chapter 20: unsuccessful

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(This contains cursing and violence (if you can imagine it) if your sensitive to that)

No on pov:
As day became night, the gang traveled to San berrilee to find banana and pear, they got to the city and stopped at the building. It looked a bit abandoned but still in very good shape, ban and the nephews got out of the car as the others parked and got out. Ban looked to see that half of the glass door was broken and shattered into millions of pieces 'yup.. Banana was here alright..' he whispered as he saw his kids go to the door "whoa this door is really broken!! Was it always like this or did someone break it?" peel said as ripe took a photo of it "hehe nice"
"Don't touch the glass! You'll get cut especially you splits" Splits dropped the glass shard he was holding as it broke right in front of him, and saw the others come to where he was "okay.. As Banana told me, this place is seriously dangerous.. And if we get caught trespassing here, who knows what will happen to us! So we have to be careful where we step or where we go.. This place is at least 20 floors high.. Banana, pear or maybe even both of them are in one of those floors.. So we will split up and explore the floors."He went to the group as he gave them walkie talkies "banana stole these before he left this place. We are going to use them to connect with one another and we have to split into groups." Ban told everyone to split into groups and then told them where they would go. As they did they secretly all went to the building and started to explore and split up.

(time for multiple POV's :,3)

P3achy and grap3 pov:
I went around the rooms, "floor nine.. Come on Grap3 lets see what's on this floor.." grap3 nodded as we went into the floor, we saw a bunch of cells and cameras.. Grap3 stayed near me as we went through them all. "We need to find the camera room and turn off all the cameras otherwise we'll get caught.." grap3 said as she saw me going to one of the cells "man.. There are some fruits here in these cells and some are empty.." grap3 looked at me as she sighed and we continued walking around.. We saw a sign saying camera room and ran to the room. "Here it is! The camera room"
"But it's locked.."
"Not for long! We just need to find a paperclip or something to open it.. *looks around* aha! There's one!" I grabbed the paperclip and began to pick on the lock, grap3 kept guard as I finally opened the door.
"Okay, come on, let's go!"
"Oki!" we got into the room and saw the screen showing everything.. We saw ban, the kids, candy and note in one screen and in the other dice and mochi. "Okay, now we need to see how to turn off these cameras," said grap3 as I nodded (?) I looked around the different buttons and pressed one "p3achy what's happening to the screens!" the videos were reversing as p3achy stopped it and it showed just the cell cameras, we saw that a door opened hard and someone ran out then the cameras turned off "who was that? What was that!"
"I don't know.. But hey at least the cameras are off now.." p3achy said as she grabbed the walkie talkie "ban, there's cameras but we turned them off.. But we saw something on them.."
"* what was it, over*
"We don't know what we saw.. But all we know is that.. The cameras are off and so far nothing has happened, over"
"*got it, it would be more easier for us since no one will know were here, over*"
P3achy puts down the walkie talkie as she looks at grap3 and then they hear something from the montier .. "Oh no" p3achy and grap3 both said.

Dice and mochi pov:
Me and Mochi were wandering on the first floor trying not to get caught, "do you see anything dice?"
"No.. I, huh?" I see a hidden door and wipe off a bit of dust "this dust doesn't it's been here for a while.."
"Do you think whatever this is, might be important?"
"Probably, and we'll have to be careful too," I said as I grabbed my knife from my pocket (?) and we both tried to open the door.. But nothing worked, mochi leaned on the door as she sighed "ugh, we can't get this stupid door to ope-AH" the door opened as mochi fell down the stairs "mochi!! Are you okay?!"
"What do you think, dice! I fell down some stai- hey come down here there something you need to see!" I got confused and went down stairs, as I went down everything got more dark.. I saw mochi grabbing a flashlight and turned it on "hey, you gotta see this.." she said as she tried to find a switch, as we walked to find a switch I saw what was down here. labs , tools and many more things.. "What the fuck.. This is a little freaky.. Right mochi.. Mochi?"
"Hey I found the switch!!"
"Wait, I don't think we should be touching anything!"
"And a boop" she switched the switch as the room shook a bit, we both saw the walls open as a secret door opened "oooo this looks interesting!" I said as we went in, we looked around and saw many files and pictures, "oo look at this dice! I'ma take this blanket off"
"Mochi! No!" she took off the blanket and they both saw the frame of plan B

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