chapter 10: sleepover

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Banana pov:
I was screaming in my pillow, "pear kissed me!! Well.. on the cheek but that doesn't matter! He kissed me!!! AH!!" I kept screaming in my pillow happily as I rolled around my bed so happily, my legs were kicking up and down like a little kid as I giggled happily. I then got up and felt a sting.. Right, forgot my arm is sorta broken. I heard a knock, it might be candy or pear cause they both went to their houses for some stuff for this awesome sleepover! I went down stairs and saw ripe opening the door, and we saw pear and candy both at the door. My face made the biggest smile I could make and waved happily at my friends! They sat their stuff down and we started to do some regular sleepover stuff. Talk, play around and watch TV. my nephew joined in when we were playing mario kart, "I call being bowser!"
"No, I wanted to be bowser splits!!" peel yelled out as the two fought, I looked at pear. He was a lot quiet for the past few hours.. Was he embarrassed about what he did? I went close to him and tapped him "ah! Oh hey dancin.."
"Hey! Do you want to play? We can share this controller"

.. sure but I have to warn you I'm not good at this game.." he said chuckling a bit as I smiled and sat next to him. We both chose our characters and started to play. Splits and peel were at the lead while ripe was catching up, candy was racing through the game and passed peel while me and pear worked together to at least control our character. It was so much fun to play this game! I turned pear and let go of the controller and saw him play

Pear pov:
Me and banana were racing through and we were in 2nd place! Man this game is so much fun we were going to win this! I felt the controller was lighter but I didn't care we were so close to winning, then we ended up getting 2nd place. Not bad for a fresh start at this game again, I smiled in glee as I saw that I was the only one holding the controller, where was dancin nub (hand). I felt someone staring at me as I turned to see him.. Smiling so stupidly but yet cutely.. "I saw you playing, how was it?"
"It was fun! Like really fun, I never knew I could be this competitive over a simple game I-.. sorry I tend to do that sometimes" looking away I heard him giggle "its fine, its fine. It's nice to hear your voice. You have been quiet for a bit.." he said a little awkwardly, I smiled as I saw that candy won the second round of the game. "Since You guys have been chatting we decided to play another round to pass the time" candy said as I nodded "its fine, what time is it by the way?"
"It's 9:50pm" banana eyes widened a bit as he got up with one arm "okay kids I think its time for you guys to go to bed."
"Aww please uncle can we stay up a little longer" splits said as ripe joined in.
"Please! We won't stay up so long and we can stay here too, it's really fun!" Banana shook his head (?) in response "no, I need you three to get used to waking up early again due to school starting in a week so off to bed." The nephews looked at their uncle then at each other and nodded.
"Please!" all three of them said giving their uncle puppy eyes? Dancin looked away at first trying not to give in, but he looked back at them then sighed "ugh.. Fine, you can stay up.. But not too late" he said as the three nodded (?) and they jumped up and down happily. I laughed as we continued with the sleepover.

(whoa candy gets a pov!)
Candy pov:
It was getting late, we continued to play a bit more mario kart till the nephews went to do their own things and it was left with my friends pear and D.B. "Hey, I have an idea! Since the little ones are gone now, how about we play truth or dare! No sleepover is a sleepover without this classic game" I said as D.B waved his hand up and down happily, "that's a great idea candy! Let's do it!!" we all circled around each other and started "whoever has the most siblings gets to start first!" I said and everytime D.B grumbles a bit, he's the only one who goes first because I know him so well. "Well since I'm first I say candy! Truth or dare"
"Dare, i'm a dare devil after all" I smiled as he gave me his.. Oh no, devious face. "I dare you to..uh go outside and yell your greatest fear as loud as possible!"
"You did this dare to me last time! Fine.." I got up and opened the backdoor and yelled out my greatest fear. I went back in and sighed "okay, pear truth or dare, I kinda want to get to know you better"
"Hm.. truth I guess" he said as I smiled "okay okay, is it true that the real host of shovelware brain game was murdered by you and you took his place to get all the fame?" he looked at me shocked. I heard this rumor about a month ago and I know D.B will never do something that cruel to an innocent person.. "What! No! I would never murder anyone!!"
"He is telling the truth! He told me that he just got the job when the host got murder!" D.B said a bit worried in his voice? I smiled "worried about his safety all of the sudden?" I saw a bit of blush come from his face as he looked away "n-no! .. er anyways pear who will you choose?"
"Well.. I chose you, dancin truth or dare?"
"Heh, I guess truth.." he said as pear smiled, he then went to D.B and whispered near him then backed away. "Is it true that when we were at the amusement park on the ferris wheel you were really terrified?"
I saw D.B face turn like a tomato and looked away "wait you guys never told me you went to the amusement park! Was it fun?"
"Well it was but dancin has to tell us if he had fun" he sighed and then gave pear 20 dollars? Was that a bet? Banana sighed as we continued to play truth and dare for at least a while longer. It was 11:30 and banana and pear were tucking the nephews in some sleeping bags. "Goodnight you three, don't do anything to stay up any longer than now" the three nodded and started to sleep, I got into my sleeping bag and started to fall asleep.

Banana pov:
I saw my nephews all tucked up for bed, then I turned to see candy already sleep. Man she is a fast sleeper, as I was getting into my sleeping bag I see pear sitting on his. I scoot over near his "hey you going to bed soon?"
Pear jumped a bit as he turned to see me, "yeah, just.. Thinking about stuff" he got into his sleeping bag and started to sleep but before he did he looked at me, his green eyes just staring at mine.. God I feel warm again! "How are you going to sleep like that?"
"I'll find a way to get comfy!.." I said trying to find multiple ways to get into a good potion without hurting my "ow!" arm.. Pear looked at me and pulled his arm near me then pulled me close to him! Our faces were near each other as I felt.. comfortable laying on my side "you comfy?"
"Ye-yeah.. Thanks" I smiled as he smiled back and started to fall asleep. I felt my eyes feeling heavy and I fell asleep too.

I woke up to movement, it was still dark as I stretched a bit. I looked up to see 'only 2:30 in the morning?' I thought as I was about to lay down when.. Where's pear? I looked around and saw that my back door was open, and pear was outside sitting and looking at the stars. 'Why is he up this late?' I got up and went to where he was. "Pear?"
He turned to see me "oh hey banana, did I wake you?"
"Yeah kinda.. What are you doing here anyways?" I said as I yawned, man I am so tired but I need to know why this man is awake at this hour!
"Eh, I couldn't sleep so I decided to go out here.. The stars look nice don't they?" he looked at me with a small smile on his face, I blushed and looked away "yeah they do, was I kicking or something that made you wake up?"
"No, honestly you were quite peaceful, I just felt like waking up.." we looked at the star for a good few minutes.. But it felt like hours being in each other's presence. I slowly moved my non hurt arm near his as he moved his away "dancin.. I have to tell you something.." I looked at him "good ahead, what is it?"
"I.. well.. Do you ever get this feeling that even though you met this person and kinda know them.. It feels like you have known them your whole life! And it makes you feel.. How do I say this"
"Weird?" I finished his sentence as he looked at me a little shocked. "yeah, I have that feeling everytime the person who I get this feeling is around me.." I smiled as I looked up in the sky "well.. The thing is about that is.. That.. I like you dancing banana. "My eyes widened a bit when I heard that and turned my head (?) around to see him 'did I hear that right or is it just my sleepy ass brain who is making this all up??' " you like me?.." I said as I pointed at myself.
"Yeah.. Like a lot.. It's okay if you don't like me back, it's just.. I kinda wanted to get that off my chest for a while.." he said blushing a little, my face turned red as I looked at the ground smiling "I like you a lot too, I mean I liked you ever since I saw you on TV! I mean in your gameshow and I just-" I felt a hand near my mouth as I looked at him "I get it hehe, I guess we both share the same feelings.. Don't we?" he said, smiling so goofy. My mind was spiraling out of control as I looked at him and nodded. "So.. now what?"
"Well, we can start dating if you li-"
"Yes! But what about my nephews and your workers, can we tell them or should we let them find out for themselves?" I said as pear put his nub on mine to calm me down "how about we tell candy and your nephews only.. I don't want everyone to find out our little secret" he winked as he did a little smirk to make me blush. I smiled and nodded "okay! We'll tell them tomorrow morning!" I said as I yawned again and we both got up and headed back to bed..

(bro this was so cute to make!!!!!!! They are now dating!! But what happens next? We will have to see next saturday o-o)

No one pov:
"It seems the banana is at his home with more captives.." one of the cops saw on his computer showing a radio of where banana was. "What are we going to do? We can't let him get away for who knows how many times more, it's like we need more info on how his game plan works" another cop said as they both heard footsteps "so, I was called about the case of the wanted banana? Is that correct?"
"Uh yes sir, but we're trying to find out how we will know his next move.. But we have little info"
"Yeah we even talk to this ban guy and yet he's not giving us enough info to know about this man.." the two cops said as the detective looked at the files of the wanted banana and back at the cops
"This ban man you're talking about, bring him here tomorrow afternoon, I would like to have a word with him.. And I will get as much information out of him as possible.."

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