chapter 13: regular day

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No one pov:
Early in the morning pear started to wake up, he turned to see banana sleeping so peaceful near him as he smiled and got up. Banana woke up shortly after him "what time is it?"
"7:30am.. I need to get going soon" pear said as he got up and started to get his stuff organized, "wait before you go.. *gets up and goes to pear* should we tell them about what happened last night?"
".. yeah, how about you tell them, I need to get going soon" banana nodded and hugged his boyfriend goodbye as he left his house.

Pear pov:
I was walking home and checking to see how much time I had left before I had to head to the studio. Everything felt like a dream last night and I still couldn't believe that me and dancin are together now, I got to my door and opened it, as soon as I did I chucked my things near my couch and got ready for the day. I grabbed my keys and headed to the studio

I got to the studio and went inside, i saw annoucer hanging with battery till the two saw me and waved "hey pear, how you been"
"Good, how you two been?"
"We been good! Right announcer?"
He nodded as he felt somthing and took his phone out of his pocket "oh.."
"What's wrong?"
"You know our curtin puller? They said they quit the job of doing that this morning.."
"What!?" I was shocked, what are we going to do! We have only an hour till the show starts and without a curtain puller, how are we going to show the prizes for announcer to- "wait! I know who can replace them!" I ran out of the doors as fast as I could, her house wasn't far from here so I could just walk there from the studio. I started to cross the street till "ah!" I fell and saw a car stopping "hey watch were your going!" I yelled as I got back up and continue to walk till I got to her house.

I knocked on the door and saw her open the door

No one pov:
"hey pear! What are you doing here?"
"P3achy, would you like a job at shovelware brain game?"
P3achy eyes glimmered as she nodded
"Yeah!" Pear smiled as they went back to shovelware studios, while they walked there pear explained what job she will have and why. As they got near he opened the door and check to see there is at least 30 minutes left till the show started "okay so you know your role here right?"
"Good, well see you in a bit!" Pear waved as he went to his dressing room while p3achy went with Annocuer and battery.

Candy pov:
I asked D.B if I can care for his nephews today so he could at least rest a bit "so what do you three want to do today?"
The nephews were thinking as splits had an idea and pulled my arm a bit "how about we go see shovelware brain game!" I smiled and nodded(?) As we dorve to the studio, it was a bit surprising finding out the host of shovelware brain game liked my friend! And its great that there together! I sorta knew pear kinda liked him even if I barely know him.
When we got there, I paid for the tickets to get in and we got seated where the blueberry showed where. I saw there was a new curtain puller, then I heard announcer started to speak, he was ordering a pizza as the game started then the host came out of the doors "whoo!" I said as everyone clapped and saw him go down to the stage.

No one pov(again😑):
The game started and some people got some questions right and wrong, a contestant name bloop was in the lead as she got the answer right then "car battery!"
Battery jumped from where he was and hit bloop on the head causing her to fall a bit

No one pov(again😑):The game started and some people got some questions right and wrong, a contestant name bloop was in the lead as she got the answer right then "car battery!" Battery jumped from where he was and hit bloop on the head causing her...

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battery fell and landed on his back as he got back up and ran to where announcer's recording booth was while pear as another contestant a question, as the round started to end, pear Announced who will be winning the prize. He turn to see p3achy pulling the curtains down as the prize was a dancing hot dog, candy and the nephews laughed as Annocuer complained about the prize while p3achy was laughing too as she pulled the curtain up and down again when announcer told her too, the prize went to bloop as pear grabbed a grappling hook and launched himself up with the hook. Candy and the nephews got down from there seat and went out to see the gift show but before they did they saw pear and announcer coming down along with battery "yeah, she's a really nice person and there she is!" He went to candy and introduced her to announcer and battery. Then p3achy went to them surprising battery a bit and causing him to hug announcer a bit (hugging his bf :3) "sorry for scaring you a bit battery also hi! Im p3apchy what's your name"
"The name's Candy, these are my friend's nephews  ripe, Splits, and peel. I'm just taking care of them for the day" pear smiled when he got reminded on the nephews and banana as his eyes widen a bit as he heard someone call his name "pear! The show is about to begin soon! Places everyone!"
"Alright blue! Come on guys we got to go back.." they all nodded as they waved goodbye at candy and the nephews but before pear left he went to candy "when you see dancin again, tell him I said hi"
"Will do! Good luck on the next round!" Pear gave a thumbs up(?) As he ran to his dressing room and candy took the nephews to friendly burger to eat lunch.

(Sorry if it's a little short, chapter 11 and 12 drained the life out of me while writing 😭😭😭)

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