chapter 12: backstory p.2

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(Warning: this will contain cussing, bit blood mentions, a lot of no pov, ban pov, a little banana pov, a very minor transformation scene, mention of death/ losing a love one if you are sensitive to those topics and maybe cut off of the backstory btw these two chapters might be my longest chapters yet so be really prepared)
(Pcitures are here :D)

Bolded pov’s and words: ban is summarizing the story

Italic lines: means they cut off from the story to the present (think of this like a backstory in a show or cartoon that's how I imagine it :)

No pov:
Ban carried banana fainted body to the couch and laid him on the couch, he sat next to his brother and looked at him. “No bruises or anything, but a small little bandage on his right arm?.. I wondered what happened to him..

Banana pov:
 I was cleaning my knife after another successful trade and kill, man this is so much fun to do! I heard someone come in and I saw a little kiwi come in “banana the boss needs to see you in the lab..” 
“Alright!” I said as I put down my knife and went with the kiwi, I followed him as we got near the lab. “Boss said he has a little task he needs to do and since no one volunteered  to help we chose you.. Seeing as you would alway help us”
I smiled “well yeah, I would anything to help you guys-”
“We don’t smile here remember.. We take our job seriously and we don’t need any smilers around here thinking it's all fun and games” I covered my mouth as I looked away, we got into the lab and I saw a chair near us “so what is this task anyways?”
The kiwi stopped and looked at me
 “we need to test a new tool.. Something to help us with our missions more and we need a test subject to test it out before giving it to this is where you come in to take the role” he said as he lead me to the chair “now sit there, I’ll be back with boss” the kiwi left, bored out of my mind I looked around and sat on the chair.

“He has really good aiming, when to time our escapes and distraction. If all goes well we might be able to make the first super fruit to help us more in the battle fie-” I was spinning on the chair, it was so much fun till “mr.banana!” uh oh, I fell off the chair and got up to see dragon “this is serious.. We need you to act more mature than how you were a few seconds ago” I rolled my eyes it's like being punished by my mother again I sat on the chair and let them continue on what they were doing “anyways let us begin” dagon said the belts on the chair tightened their grip on me, I tried to break free but nothing was working.. I was scared.. “What's happening?”
“Oh just the test,” dragon said, pulling out a syringe. They didn’t tell me this was like a shot test! I hate needles! “I..I don’t really like s-shots much so can I just-”
“Look over there!”
“Where” foolish of me.. I felt a slight pain on my arm as I flinched a bit “ow! Hey what was that for!”  They looked at me then at each other. “How long do we have to wait sir?”
“Not long.. Soon the serum will kick in which will give him more ability than ever..” I looked at them as my eyesight got blurry a bit “oh.. I don’t feel so good..” I felt like my whole body was on fire.. It hurted so much what was happening, I saw my nub distorting a bit as it grew claws like fingers on it “what the!” I tried to get out as the belts let go of me and the only things I felt were pain and weakness.. I closed my eyes for a bit then opened them.. My nubs were different.. I felt different.. I slowly got up as I saw dragon and kiwi looking at me in shock, then dragon started to smile. “Are you seeing this or is it just me! We made a super fruit that was two times better than I thought!”
“What's happening?! What did you do to me!”
“Well it seems that an element in your body must have triggered the chemicals in the serum which cause this to happen..” the kiwi said flipping through his pages. I looked at my nubs scared of what I] became.. “Can you return to normal?” I looked at dragon and then gulped as I tried. I saw my whole world shrunk a bit and looked at my nubs again, they were normal! But I felt so light headed 
“Well you're good to go, you can go home now!” I just nodded and headed out.. 

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