chapter 5: dinner

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(I found an idea for chapter 5!! also the thumbnails on top are new, inspired to make them by wholesomefleetway! Btw click the picture for full image :'3 anyways)

No one pov:

They got to the restaurant and banana saw how fancy it was, his eyes shimmered a bit "wow, you didn't need to go on out for this.."

"I know, but I kinda thought this would be a good place to have dinner. It's a new restaurant and it has great reviews on it!" pear said as D.B looked at him, "yeah.. Maybe I can review here to see if the reviews are true..." he whispered as they got out of the car. Pear got a reservation here, and the waiter took them to the roof. They both saw some empty seats and tables that looked like not many people eat up here. They got to their table and sat down. It was a bit awkward at first the pear started the conversation.

Pear pov:

I wanted to talk to him as I started, "I see you brought the pom poms, why do you wear them? You don't need to answer that if you do-"

"It's okay, I wear them for special occasions.. Like this one, it makes me remember a special occasion that happened a while back" I looked at him a bit interested, "hm, how did you get them?"

I asked as he looked at me then away for a bit "I'll tell you my life story if you tell me how you became the greatest host of this city!" he said smiling as I chucked a bit, love this man energy.. "Alright alright, but you go first," he nodded (?) and started

"high school, 1990 something I guess.. I was the cheerleaders captain at the time, sure I was made fun of due to being the only guy in a team full of girls but hey that didn't stop me. We were cheering at a game when I decided to do something flashy. I went in the middle of the field and started to dance this dance I made myself! With the same pom poms I've been wearing, ever since that day, everytime I go do something fun or special I bring these with me.. Knowing that this is just as special as that day" I looked at him, I guess I learned something new about him.. I felt my face getting a bit warm. Stop thinking these thoughts!.. Eh, anyways I wanted ask him this

"What was the dance you did"

Banana pov:

I looked at him and blushed in embarrassment, "well it's been a while since I did it but I'll show you!"

"You don't need to-" but I stopped him from saying anymore as I put my hand near his face as I backed up and started to dance (the PB and jelly time dance) . It was fun doing it again as I saw him looking at me in a bit of shock. I stopped and sat back down. "Sorry I-" I got cut off when we saw the waiter coming up with menus "what would you like to drink?"

"One wine please" I said,

"You drink?"

I looked at pear and shook my head "no, only on days I want to like this one"

"Oh, well maybe I'll try some," pear said as he also ordered a wine. Then we ordered our food and we waited. "So are you going to tell me about how you became the host of shovelware brain game"

"Yeah yeah I will, well before I became host I moved here from the UK. I needed a job and well I saw a poster saying they needed a host for the game while the studio was still being built. I signed up for the job and I got it! Apparently the first host recently got murdered before the studio was finished being built." my eyes widened when I heard that.. 'It's a bit of a relief he doesn't know who murdered him.. He was sketchy anyways' I thought as he continued "and well that's how I became the one, the only host!" He said as I giggled, he was more funny in person than in the game. As our food came and we started to eat I felt a buzz, I took out my phone and saw.. Gibberish? The text was from ripe, it was gibberish.. Then I got another text from.. Him..

"Come tomorrow as soon as possible, there's something you need to know.." I looked at the text and texted back then I looked at pear "hey you okay?"

"Ye- yeah, I think I have to go soon.."

"Alright" he said as he drinked a bit more wine and we were about to leave when we saw the beautiful view of the city, it was so nice. I looked at pear then his hand.. I got closer to his hand as he then moved away "come on, lets go" he said as I looked at him and nodded.

No one pov:

They got into the car and started to drive home, pear saw where banana lived and went with him near the door. "Thanks for everything, this hang out was amazing! I really mean it."

"No problem, would you like to get some coffee some time next week?"

Banana was about to say yes then shook his head "I.. I can't, I'm going to be out of town for a while.."

"Oh, no worries.. When will you be back.."

"I think in two weeks but I'll let you know when I get back" Banana said holding pears hands, pear felt his face getting warm a bit as he looked down at his hands then back at banana "can you let go of my hands.."

"Oh yeah, sorry. Well I'll see you later pear!" he said as pear smiled and waved and walked home.

Banana pov:

I opened the door, a bit tired from today and then I saw my three nephews, they were all on the couch sleeping. Ripe's phone on his leg, while peel and splits had controllers on their hands. Looks like they were playing mario kart.. I went to them and I picked up both peel and splits first then ripe, I tucked them all in and saw their suitcases all ready to go for tomorrow.. I went to my room and sighed. I laid down and tried to sleep. Let's see what he needs to tell me tomorrow..


shovelware brain game swap AU! (pearnana :3)Where stories live. Discover now