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No one pov:
It has been two years since everything happened, so let's recap! Firstly, Banana got his surgeries for his arm and body, which made him wear the case again on his arm. After two months he moved back to where he lived, he was greeted back with his friends. Pear gave him a big hug as he told him that he will be moving in with D.B, D.B was shocked and was so happy knowing that his boyfriend was going to live with him. Later on shovelware brain game was getting more popular as the year went on, ripe moved out from ban house but regularly visits his dad and uncles houses and finally pear purpose to D.B after a double date with announcer and battery which they celebrated. So where are they now?

anana pov:
"Don't move! I'm almost finished"
"Okay, okay!" I was standing there, trying not to move, then finally p3achy was done "there, all finished! So what do you think, I had a bit of finishing touches to it" she smiled in glee as I looked at my wedding dress, it was so beautiful as I smiled "I love it!! Thank you p3achy!!" I said as I went to her and hugged her "heh, no problem! I'm going to check on the groom. Hope he's not ruining the suit" she went out the door and left, candy was finishing my veil was I was just becoming a nervous reck, note, candy and dice were in my room helping me out with stuff for this wedding to be perfect, as I was worrying I heard my name being called "done! Here D.B, I add a little flower on it too! Hope you like it!'' She put the veil on me and I smiled "thanks candy.." she looked at me a little worried as I sat down, my leg shaking a bit "hey, it's okay to be nervous on a big day like this!"
".. I'm not just nervous.. I'm scared.. I have been stressed for the past week, planning, getting shit together..I'm scared of what will happen.. I mean don't get me wrong I'm happy that this is all happening, but I'm just scared, things might go wrong and it's just filling my brain!" my leg was shaking more as candy tried to calm me down, dice was checking the schedule with note as they both saw what was going on, candy calmed me down as the other two came to me and reassured me that everything will be okay "thanks.. I just hope pear is doing better.. And not stressing out that much.."

Pear pov:
I was panicking, but I tried not to panic so much.. I heard the door open as I saw p3achy, and she looked a bit mad "I told you not to wrinkle it!"
"I'm sorry, but I'm a little anxious at the moment!" I said as she rolled her eyes a bit and helped me with my suit "what am I going to do! I never been this scared before, especially when it comes to doing something in front of a live audience"
"This isn't shovelware studio's pear, and this isn't your regular audiences you perform to. This is a wedding and your getting married, I know this situation is scary but it will all be worth it once it's done" announcer said as he helped battery get his bowtie on, pear tried to calm down as p3achy fixed his suit and tie "there, your all set, now we just need to wait till we need to leave here" they heard the door knock and ban opened it "everyone's at there seats is the groom ready?"
"yup! Don't you dare back down on this pear" p3achy said to me as I nodded (?) and went with them "also here" p3achy put a little flower on my suit "there now it's done, come on!" she went as I went with her to the main entrance was to get to the stage to get married
(there like in a church Ig so uh yeah)
I saw everyone getting their roles together, mochi and dice were security guards, announcer and battery were the ring holders, and I saw candy and note coming back to stand where p3achy and grap3 were at, they were lined up where dancin will stand.. And I was standing there, worrying if he would ever show up.. Then everything started, I saw the doors open as peel and choco came out throwing little flower petals on the floor, I was really nervous.. Like really NERVOUS. I didn't know why I was here or what to do, till I saw two bananas coming to the door. It was ban hold dancin arm, and he looked absolutely stunning.. "Whoa.. dancin looks incredible.."
They walked slowly to the stage as I couldn't get my eyes off of dancin..

No one pov:
Banana and ban were walking on the aisle as he was very nervous under the veil "hey how're you holding up?"
'Pretty good.. But I'm really scared"
"It's going to be okay banana.. I mean look how pear looks right now heh" banana looks at his fiancé, how stund and nervous he looked as he smiled when banana got up and ban went near pear as his best man. A slice of bread came to the stage and went to the two "ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here today to wed these two fruits together,if anyone has anything to say on why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.." nobody said anything as the slice of bread continued
"before these two say their I do's is there anything you two like to say to each other?" pear nodded as he went first "dancin.. When we first met, I liked how goofy and happy you were to see my show. I thought you were just another fan to interpret my show, but I saw something different in you and as we got closer and started to bond, I saw that feeling come again to you. And I'm really happy that I get to be with you and in your life for the rest of our lives" everyone clapped as banana's smile grew and then he started his little saying "pear.. I still can't believe that after what happened and how "we" happened became a reality.. Sometimes I think I'm dreaming but I'm not, this is real.. And I'm glad it is, and I'm happy I'll spend the rest of my life with you!" he said as everyone clapped as pear smiled, once everyone settle down the slice of bread went to the two as they hold hands (D.B and pear were holding hands) the slice of bread turned to pear "do you pear, take the dancing banana to be your lawful wedded husband, in sickness and in health and love him and honor him in all days of your life?"
"I do" pear says as the slice of bread turns to banana "do you, dancing banana, take pear to be your lawful wedded husband, in sickness and in health and love him and honor him in all days of your life?"
"I do!! I really do, "Banana said as he smiled to pear who was also smiling at him back.as the slice bread nodded (?) he turned to battery and announcer "may I have the rings please?" Battery and announcer went to him as announcer picked up his finance and battery gave the slice of bread the rings, he took them from battery as he went to pear and banana "by the power infested in me, I now pronounce you two, husband and husband.. You may now kiss the berry" he back away as banana and pear got closer to each other, pear took of the veil that was covering banana face as they both kissed

 You may now kiss the berry" he back away as banana and pear got closer to each other, pear took of the veil that was covering banana face as they both kissed

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Everyone started to clap as they kept kissing and stopped, they looked at each other very happy as they are now happily wedded

Banana pov:
It was later, and we had an amazing after party (like an after wedding party) everyone was having fun and so was I! There was cake and music and dancing! As the day went on we played lots of fun little games that weddings do in parties and one of them was throwing my flowers up to see who will be the next to get married "okay, so I stand here?"
"Yes, now stand there and whenever you're ready, throw!" dice said as she ran to the other girls who were behind me, I was a little scared I might hit someone but that's fine, these girls will fight over these flowers either way. I grabbed the flowers in my nubs (hands) and counted down "three, two, one, catch!!" I threw the flowers as it floated in the air for a slight bit then started to fall, I turned to see all the girls pushing each other and trying to grabbed the flowers, then a nub grabbed the flowers before it landed on the floor, it was p3achy nub as she caught it "I caught it!! Yes!!" she said as she celebrated with grap3. I was so happy as I went down and continued to party.

No one pov:
As they wrapped up the party most of the guests started to leave, mochi had a camera as she was taking photos the whole time during the party and she wanted to take one more before it ended "hey guys, want to take a group photo?" her friends nodded (?) As they went and she got the camera ready, pear and banana went in the middle while the short people went in front where pear and banana were at, as they all lined up together the camera took a shot of the photo, then pear and banana got into there car and waved goodbye to the others as the car left,

And they lived happily ever after or whatever shit they say in fairytales :3

The end

(The picture they took :D)

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(The picture they took :D)

Thank you guys so much for reading my story! It was really fun to write this and I hope you guys had fun too reading and exploring with the characters, also keep in mind most of the characters belong to shovelware studios and my friends so shout out to them! This story was a scrapped graphic novel Idea I had for school, but I wanted to explore more on this AU and well here we are now! But I'm so glad many of you guys enjoyed this story and maybe got confused on some parts but that's how I write, with
L O R E :D
anyways, will this be my one and only shovelware brain game story? Hopefully not! I do plan on making more SWBG stories soon, but for now I kinda want to rest my hands and lay in my writing grave for now. But I will come back and make more SWBG stories! I do have a SWBG AU idea in mind that I really want to write and I hope yall want to read that story too!! Anyways hope everyone has a good day/ afternoon /evening / or night!

this has been plush signing off from this story

- plush

shovelware brain game swap AU! (pearnana :3)Where stories live. Discover now