chapter 17: explanation

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(warning: this will contain cussing if you are sensitive to that)

Pear pov:

I felt someone on me.. No it's more like I'm on someone.. I thought It was one of the nephews that was on me but when I opened my eyes I saw something yellow? I got up and fully saw, 'dancin ?!' I jumped and fell off my couch, I saw him waking up and rubbing his eyes ''huh.. Oh.. hey pear"
"Don't 'oh hey pear' me! What the hell are you doing in my house!" I whispered as he got up and he held his hand near me which I kinda slapped off my face "..pear, can we talk about this somewhere where my sleeping nephews aren't at.. Please.." I looked at him and sighed, I was still angry at him.. And hurt.. Why would he be here, and talk to me after what happened? I took him through the hallways to my room as we closed the door, we both sat on my bed then I looked at him "why are you here.. Shouldn't you be running from the cops or something.."
"No.. I.. I'm here to say sorry.. For what happened.. And for my kids as well" I looked at him, then looked away.. "If i'm not mistaken.. You also said you would explain everything.. Right?"
"Oh.. um.. Yeah I did heh" I giggled a bit "good.. Now, would you explain?"
"Yeah.. there's no point in hiding it anymore.." and he told me, the things I kinda knew and things I didn't, but I stayed calm as he finish "and well you kinda know the rest.."
"..why did you hide all of this from me?"
"I.. I didn't want you to think all bad about me.. About my past, about how I am now.. I did trust you but.. I just feel like you weren't ready.."
"So.. you also lied about what happened to you in that crash?"
"Yes.." I saw him fidgeting with his hands(?) a bit as tears started to form "I- I'm sorry.. I.."
I didn't let him continue as I hugged him "I can't forgive you.. But I still love you, I will keep your secret.. And help you in any way possible.."
"That's the problem.. Two people knowing about this and slowly getting tangled in this mess is bad enough.. Now you're in this mess too and maybe some others as well! And now they'll get tangled in this, and.." I felt tear droplets fall on my face as I saw him cry.. I stopped hugging him and wiped his tears away. He hugged me and cried in my arms, I comforted him as he continued "I didn't want any of this to happen.. I didn't want you or my friends to get into this shit I put myself into! I-"
"Darling look.. It's okay, things like this will happen and even if they hurt some, it can still be resolved as long as those people understand.. Like me.. So don't think it's the end of the world just because of what happened.. We can still fix all of this together" he got off of me as he looked directly at my face, my hand on his face as I wiped the tears away his tears.. We both leaned onto each other's foreheads smiling a bit then I did the unthinkable.. I kissed him

Banana pov:
Pear leaned forward and started to kiss me.. 'Oh god!Oh god!Oh god!Oh god!' I thought as I melted into the kiss, putting my hand(?) on his face. The kiss was short as we both pulled away and looked at each other, both of us we were a blushing mess

 The kiss was short as we both pulled away and looked at each other, both of us we were a blushing mess

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"I kissed the host of shovelware brain game.."
"Huh?" pear looked at me confused as I was just fanboying at the spot "oh my god, I kissed the host of shovelware brain game!! I mean he's my boyfriend, but still Ahh!!" I was squealing as pear giggled from the little noises I made after the kiss. "You know, for our first kiss.. It was nice"
"Heh yeah it was.." it was a bit awkward for a bit till we heard small little voices outside the room. I got up and opened the doors to see my nephews waking up, "so.. Should I tell my nephews about this?.."
"They should know.. Especially after what happened yesterday.." I nodded as we went out of the room to see my nephews, peel was asleep was splits was waking up, ripe was checking the time when he looked up and saw me and pear "hey ki-"
"Uncle!!" ripe said as he ran to hug me, I never saw him this happy to see me in a long time.. I almost fell off my feet as he hugged me then splits ran and jumped on me, giving me a big hug "we missed you uncle!!" splits said about to cry
"Where were you!! We couldn't find you!!" ripe said in tears a bit, I smiled and gave them a big hug as I explained what happened, pear picked up peel and went to me as I kept explaining what happened and why it did.. Then I got interrupted by a ring.

No one pov:
banana picked up his phone from his pocket while having splits and ripe on him "hello?"
"Nice to hear you too ban.. Look, the nephews are okay, I found them at my friend's house.. Just come to the house, I'll send you the address okay byee" banana hung up the phone and put his hands on his face.. "Oh dear god your father is going to kill me.."
The nephews laughed as they got off and went to go do stuff, pear still holding the sleeping peel, saw banana get up and lean on a wall. "great.."
"He sounded mad.."
"He is mad! Oh god.." they both heard a ring as pear gave banana's sleeping nephew then went to the door, banana looked at his boyfriend and smiled beforehe openedthe door.

" they both heard a ring as pear gave banana's sleeping nephew then went to the door, banana looked at his boyfriend and smiled beforehe openedthe door

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"Hey do y-.. Aren't you that same pear I almost ran over by accident?"
"Wait you're the guy who- .. no time, you're here to pick up your kids?" ban nodded as he went in and saw banana holding peel "hey ban.."
"We need to talk when we get home.. For now.. Ripe, splits! I'm here!" the two older nephews ran to there father as they hugged him, ban looked up to see pear going to banana as he smiled "hey thanks for finding my kids with banana"
"No problem, well.. I found your kids in my gift shop and then banana found me heh'' ban smiled as he headed out with ripe and splits, banana turned to his boyfriend as he went to him and kissed him goodbye "see you later.."
"Yeah, see you later dancin"
Banana and ban went out and started to walk home, peel was sleeping in his uncle's arms as
Splits and ripe founded their uncle and dad. Before they got inside the house, Ban turned to his brother "that friend of yours.. He's a really nice fruit,.. By any chance you have some sort of relationship with him, hm?"
"What?.. I.. uh ..hehe.." banana said, his face turning red as ban chuckled
"I'll take that as a yes.. Congrats little bro"
"Thanks.." he said as they went inside "now about that talk um can we forget this-"

A little green grape ran to an office as he opened the door "sir! Sir! We have news about banana"
"Did the cops catch him yet?"
"No.. he got away again" he heard a slam on a desk from his boss "damn it!!.. Guess we have to do this ourselves.. Ditch those police, it's time for us to use plan B.."
"Y-yes sir!'' The grape ran as the unknown fruit looked down at the file the police gave him of banana and ripped up the photo of him "one way or another banana, you will come back.. And face what's coming"

shovelware brain game swap AU! (pearnana :3)Where stories live. Discover now