chapter 2: showtime!

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Pear pov:
I woke up and got out of bed, I looked out the window to see my neighbors doing their regular routine. "Another day, well time to get ready for work" I said to myself as I went and took a shower then went downstairs to make myself breakfast. As I was eating I couldn't help but think about that banana guy, he was so cheerful and very kind. I especially liked his pom pom he wore.. It was cute- wait why am I thinking of him like that? Meh I might see him again anyways, I looked at the time and saw that announcer was about to get to the studio before me. I quickly finished breakfast, grabbed my keys and headed off. I got to the studio and walked in then I heard the doors open. "Good morning announcer, how have you been?"
"Oh you know the usual, say you saw that banana last night, he was all in for the show!"
I chuckled "yeah, I gave my number to stay in touch.."
"Weird , you never give your number to strangers like him. Why did you do it?" announcer asked as I shrugged, "I guess I did it cause I wanted to know more about him..his goofy smile, his stunning eyes.. I.. need to go to my dressing room." I said as I felt my face, it was a tad warm. "If you see blueberry coming in, tell him I'm in my dressing room practicing my lines!"
"Alright pear!" announcer said as I went into my room.. 'Why am I feeling this..?' I thought as I sighed and got my papers and began to rehearse.

Banana pov:
I woke up, another beautiful day! I got out of bed only to trip on my bed sheets. I get up and get ready for the day. I go downstairs and put on my "kiss the cook" apron and get cooking, I put breakfast on some plates as I go upstairs and open the doors to my nephews rooms "peel, splits, ripe it's time to wake up, and breakfast is ready!"
I yelled out as I saw ripe and splits getting up but peel was still asleep. I went to him and gently rocked him around till he woke up. As we all went down stairs and ate breakfast, I was washing the dishes when I heard a little noise near me "uncle, you know what's coming up in a week right?" peel said as I said
"Yes yes I know.. Well we will be leaving on saturday.." I didn't want to go.. For.. reasons, my past there is bad and I can only stay at my old town home for so long before things escalate. I finish my cleaning and begin my work as an online critic before going to the game show. I let my nephews take a break for today and stay home while I go, Hope they can behave..

Pears pov:
"Cobalt blue or sapphire blue.." I said as I checked the time, it was 5:35 5 minutes before the show started, "eh sapphire blue, hope dancin will be here today" I said to myself as I got out of my room. I went near the doors and sighed as I heard announcer "the one the only pear!" he said as I opened the doors and winked, I saw banana sitting in his seat. I went down the stairs and went to the stage as I started. Everything went normal, sure someone catched fire and two people got hit by letters but everything went fine.

The show ended as I jumped mario style and went into the doors. I opened them a bit as I saw banana about to leave. "Hey!" I said as he looked at me, His brown eyes looked stunning as ever. "hi! " he said a bit of blush on his face, so noticeable but yet so cute.. These thoughts are invading my head again.. Oh well as long as I get to see him that's all that matters.

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