chapter 3: the dat- I mean hang out

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No one's pov:

Banana was staring at pear. A bit of silence came in before pear broke the awkwardness between them "can't wait to see you tomorrow for our hang out banana!" he said with a bit of a smirk,

"Wait tomorrow's Friday! already?!"

"Yeah" pear said chuckling, banana didn't know what to say
"So what time will we um.. Meet up? Do I have to go formal? if you want me to I can and where are we going?" banana said as pear just smiled, "Well, we can meet up around 6pm, I don't work on Fridays, you can go as you please and the place we're going is a surprise" he said as he wink to banana, he blushed a bit as he smiled. Putting his pom poms near his face as he chucked "well I best be going, ripe can only take care of his younger sibling for so long" banana said as pear nodded (?) and smiled "alright see you tomorrow" he said as they left.

Banana pov:

Well tomorrow is going to be interesting, I thought as I took off my cherrleading popm poms, and found the keys to unlock the house. I unlocked the door only to see ripe holding peel as he was kicking his little legs, Splits on the ground shaking a bit. Some furniture was knocked down as they all turned to see me. I was.. shocked "I don't even want to know what happened here.." I said as I went to the living room, grabbed splits and put him on the couch with me "so how was the show uncle?" splits said as he was trying to calm down from what happened.

"It was great! As always and I'm going to be out at 6 tomorrow"

"Why for another show?" ripe said as he got on the couch with peel.

"No cause I'm going to hang out with the host tomorrow.. Let's see how it goes. Meanwhile while I'm gone, I need you three to start packing because we will be leaving as soon as we're all ready on saturday."

"Alright!" all three of them said, as they went up stairs to get ready for bed, ripe stayed behind and looked at me "how long are we able to stay there?"

"Maybe two weeks.. If things get peachy then we leave as soon as possible, for now go upstairs and get ready for bed" I said as I patted ripe's back and we went up stairs.

No one pov:

The next day banana and pear both woke up and got ready for the day, banana made breakfast for his nephews while pear made himself some toast and tea for himself. As the day went by banana gets a text on his phone

Banana pov:

Huh wonder who that could be? I checked my phone and saw a text from pear

"meet me at this place ;)

(read 5:35pm)

I blushed a bit and smiled as I texted him back

"Will do" :3

(delivered 5:37pm)

I went to my closet and grabbed my pom poms (cus it was a special event for him) as well a light peach bowtie. I wanted to look a bit formal as I go on this dat- I mean hang out.. hang out.. I got my keys, told ripe he would be in charge and not to let the house catch on fire and off I left in my car.

Pear pov:

I was waiting for dancin to come, I never felt so nervous in my life! I see a yellow car park and there he is. He comes out of the car and runs to me.. Then he trips. I ran to his side and helped him out "are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah, clumsy me hehe I didn't know where I was going" he said smiling as he grabbed my hand and got up, rubbed the back of his head. I chucked as I let go of his nub. "So where is this place you are going to take me"

"Well here of course" I said as I showed him the place, it was the amusement park that was in town for a week. "I was thinking of coming here then a nice dinner if you want" I said as I saw his eyes shimmer in amazement, it was so adorable to see him smile. "I have never been to one of these before! Ooh this is going to be so much fun!" he said as he hugged me a bit then stopped, I blushed slightly as I saw his face turn a bit red and rubbed the back of his head again "well what are we waiting for let's go"

"Okay!" he said as I grabbed his hand and we both headed into the amusement park.

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