chapter 16: betrayal

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(warning: this will have cursing and a use of weapon if you are sensitive to all of that)

Banana pov:
Me, my brother and my nephews went to go to shovelwares studios to see shovelware brain game. Of course I was excited, as we went in I saw p3achy and candy but she didn't notice me coming today, she then sat next to a note. I saw her looking at her and introducing herself to her the candy way "Hai!! My name is candy, want to be friends?" I giggled a bit as we sat down "wow, I never knew how big this place is.. I didn't really get a good look last time"
"I was thinking the same thing when I came here, aren't you excited for the show to start!"
"Yeah, but please don't act all crazy and interrupt the show.." ban said as I rolled my eyes, "whatever, I might do it anyways.. And hey you finally get to see my boyfr- I mean friend! My friend here"
"What were you about to say?"
"Nothing!" We heard announcer start to speak as the game started, pear got out of the doors like he usually does. He looked at me for a split second and winked at me as I blushed a bit.

 And the show went as normal, contestants  getting questions right and wrong

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And the show went as normal, contestants getting questions right and wrong. A few got car batteried and others caught on fire! But before the game ended.. Something was a bit different, something that never really happened in the game. The donut cop stepped up near the stage and interrupted the show "heya folks,.. I know you've got a thing going here but if I could just make an announcement real quick that'll be just swell" I was getting scared but tried to brush it off. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, take care of my kids while I'm gone okay banana?"
I nodded to ban as he left, I looked at the donut as he continued.
"Were looking for a dangerous wanted criminal on the loose, have you seen this man?" Pear looked at the wanted poster of me and got confused "well no I haven't seen a man that handsome before!" I giggled a bit as the donut cop folded the paper and sighed "alright sorry to waste your- wait.." he turned to the audience and saw me.. oh no

No one pov:
"That's him!! I need backup. I repeat I need backup!" Banana eyes widened as pear looked in his direction "huh?" Banana didn't know what to do as he saw some cops coming from the left, he got up and ran down the stairs as he went to the other direction leaving the nephews behind, everyone started to freak out and run in different directions. The nephews tried to find their uncle but got lost in the crowd. Pear ran to where banana went and tried to follow his footsteps.

Banana went down the stairs and jump through a small hole between them to go faster. He landed near a door and opened it, he went in it and saw that the studio here was the same as sound stage 7 "am I in the same place again?! Wait, this is sound stage two.." he wondered around as something dropped from his pocket(?)

Meanwhile pear went down the stairs and saw a door open, he went in it and saw banana walking around the unfinished studio "dancin?" He stopped and turned to pear "pear?! I mean hey pear.. uh what are you doing here?"
"I'm wondering what you're doing here dancin.. what's going on?"

Pear pov:
Dancin was acting strange especially when the cops came and he ran out.. what's he hiding.. "I.. uh.. look I can explain.."
"Explain then what the hell is going on?
Why are the police chasing you? Why were you on a wanted poster?.."
Dancin looked away as he tried to explain " look.. I.. I didn't want you to find out this way pear.. I didn't want you to get worried or suspicious about this.. look things have been very crazy.. I'm a wanted criminal.. for many things I thought if I could run away from my problems.. things would be normal.. but its not.."
"And you thought that would work?!.. I can't believe you kept this all a secret.. I can't believe your a fucking criminal!!" I started to get upset as Dancin went to me slowly. "Hon.. I didn't mean to upset you.. but you gotta understand I need to keep this from you.."
"Why!? You thought I couldn't be trusted or I could've kept this a secret!!" I yelled as he backed up a bit then put his hand(?) On my shoulder (?) "I did trust you is that.. i wanted to keep you safe.."
"How the fuck is this keeping me safe!!" I yelled, I saw his eyes getting glossy like he was going to cry.. I wanted to cry.. I can't believe my own boyfriend would lie to me.. I felt like I didn't even know him anymore.. I looked down and saw a gun on the floor and picked it up "get away from me!!" I pointed the gun on him, my hands shaking from the fact I'm holding a weapon near him.. he backed away as he looked at me.. I felt betrayed.. I.. I didn't know how to feel at this moment.. "please put the gun down.. please.."
"I..I.." I felt tears falling down as I tried to shoot him.. but I didn't.. I still love him.. I still care for this shithead.. I saw him tear up as he looked away "go ahead and shoot me.. I need to be dead either way.." he smiled as I looked at him shocked and put the gun down.. I heard people coming down here then I looked at banana.. "if you love me.. please.. stay.."
Dancin looked at me and before he answered he looked at the entrance then at me and ran up to the wall and jumped, holding on the railing and flipped himself on the second floor then kicked down the broken closed door. He turned to me, sorrow in his eyes.. I saw him.. then I turned to see shadows of cops coming here and just like that.. he was gone..
"Mr.pear there you are,have you seen the criminal?"
".. no I was just hiding.."
"Okay.. sound stage 7 is clear you can go back up" I nodded as I went to the studio.. as I did, i walked near the gift shop and exit but before I left I saw something in the gift shop, I went inside and saw three little bananas hiding under the clothes "ripe, splits, peel?"
They saw me with tears in their eyes as they got up and hugged me "uncle pear!!"
"What's going on!" Splits said
"We don't know where our uncle is or our dad!!" Peel cried out
"Do you know anything?.." ripe said as I hugged the three "no.. I don't..but till this all clears out, let's go back to my place so you three can calm down.." they agreed as I took them back to my place.

Banana pov:
I found my way out and got out of the doors to see i was near the exit, I got and tried to find the nearest bus stop was. While I was walking there I saw announcer and battery, they were holding hands and heading to their car.. it made me feel bad for what happened between pear and I but it happened. They turn to me and announcer made battery get behind him as he looked at me "get away from battery, crimina-.. dancing?"
"Hey.. I'm sorry for what happened.. I"
"The hell happened, why did you cause a scene like that?"
I sighed and explained everything to them.. luckily they weren't so shocked and hurt like pear but they understood.. "I can't believe that all happened to you.. and what shocks me more is that you and pear are dating!.. anyways do you need a ride home?"
"Yeah.. I think my brother can find his way back to my house to- wait.. My nephews!!! Oh my god, I left them at the studio! We have to go back to find them!" Me, Announcer and battery went back to the studio and tried to find them but they were gone.. nowhere to be seen.. I looked left then right as I fell to my knees ''I'm the worst uncle ever... I lost my kids!" I felt a few tears fall down my face as announcer put his hand(?) On my shoulder (?), battery hugged me a bit. "It's okay, we'll find them later.. right now let's take you home.." I nodded and told them my address..

They drove me home and I got out of the car, I thanked them and went inside, the door was open.. The thing I would do is that pear is here.. Yes this isn't my house.. I gave them the wrong address to see if pear has my- "kids.." I saw them sleeping on a couch with pear cuddled next to them, they were all asleep as I slowly went to them. I saw a spot on the couch and carefully sat down. Pear started to lean on me as I wrapped my arm around him and sighed.. As I felt my eyes closing I said one more thing before heading to bed.. "I'll tell you everything... i promise"

 i promise"

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shovelware brain game swap AU! (pearnana :3)Where stories live. Discover now