chapter 14: visit

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Ban pov:
I was driving to where my brother lives, besides him needing to know what's going to happen, he's also an idiot that forgets anything at my house. I was a bit in a hurry and tried to not speed through traffic lights and signs, I was close to my brother's house when "oh god!" I stopped the car and saw a pear falling on the ground before my car hit him "hey watch were your going!" he yelled as he got up and ran to the other side.. 'rude much?' I thought as I continued to drive, its been a while since I been here and a whole lot has change.. the streets, the places.. "man this place is pretty cool.." I saw I only had a bit of gas left, when I got near my brother's house I checked to see if I had any money to pay for gas "damn it! I forgot my wallet.. ugh" I parked near banana's house and my car died.. "great.. at least I'm here"

(2 hours earlier)

banana pov: 

candy woke up right after pear left, she helped me clean up and I told her me and pear are together now, she was really happy for us as her happiness did wake up my nephews "hey, since you kinda didn't have a day to yourself to relax and heal I can take your nephews out for the day while you rest. is that okay with you?"

"yeah! I kinda need a day off anyways hehe" candy nodded as she got my nephews and they went out, me on the other hand I was tired! I stayed up at 2:30am and I need some rest, I carefully flopped on the couch and watch some bluey till I fell asleep

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"yeah! I kinda need a day off anyways hehe" candy nodded as she got my nephews and they went out, me on the other hand I was tired! I stayed up at 2:30am and I need some rest, I carefully flopped on the couch and watch some bluey till I fell asleep. that's when I heard a knock on my door "huh-what- ah! *flop* ow!!" I got up as I went to the door and saw, "ban? what are you doing he-" 

"no time to explain!"

"okay?.. well you let yourself in.." I closed the door and went to my brother "what are you doing here anyways? did something happen? do you need to take the kids home already?"

"well.. kinda- what the hell happened to your arm and why is it so quite in here.." he turned to me and looks at me a bit worried "banana why is it quite in here? at this time peel should probably be arguing with ripe right now.."

"oh yeah! I kinda needed a day off to rest and my friend candy decided to take them out for the day! there in good hands don't worry" 

"oh phew, okay anyways can you tell me what happen to your arm?"

"Well, while the police were chasing us, they were shooting my car which caused me to get distracted then I got shot in the arm. we got back here and I tried to stop my car but that ended up for me to crash the car near a tree at a café which I crashed through my windshield then into one of the window walls in the café, lucky my friends were there and found me passed out"

 we got back here and I tried to stop my car but that ended up for me to crash the car near a tree at a café which I crashed through my windshield then into one of the window walls in the café, lucky my friends were there and found me passed out"

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I smiled as ban looked at me then sighed "your the only fruit I know that would smile after a incident like that.. are my kids okay though?"

"yup I'm just the only that hurt badly
:3" ban shook (?) his head as he grabbed my hand and took me to the couch "okay..  there something you need to know.. first thing is that you left your pom poms in your old room"

"oh there they were! I was looking for these everywhere" I said as ban gave me my pom poms, the he put his hand near my shoulder (?) "The seond thing is... the police got a detective to try to find you.. they took me to there police station and made me spill every little information I can take out just to find you faster..." my eyes widen as I couldn't believe what I heard "damn.. what did I put myself into... but it will take them a while to find me.. until then I'll try to keep a low profile, and maybe you should too.."

"yeah.. also try to keep your nephews away from all of this.. they still don't know right?"

I nodded as ban side hugged me "it's going to be okay.."

"how will this be okay? I'm scared my nephews will find out how much of a monster I was.. a criminal I am now.. and my friends.. I mean sure candy knows and she will help me like you are but.."


".. I have this other person, his name is pear and he's a really great guy.. but I feel like if he found out the shit I have done in the past.. and the situation I'm in now.." I felt like the words weren't coming out of my mouth.. ban understood what I meant as he comforts me  "like your nephews you don't want this information to be found out by pear do you?" I nodded as a tear fell and I wiped it off.. I saw ban getting up and checked the time "are you leaving?"

"well.. no, but the real question is that, can I stay here for a while?" my eyes widen as I got up in happiness "yes! of course, but why?"

"well.. It would be nice to stay with my kids for a bit before I go back and also my car is out of gas and your car is probably in the shop soo.."

"yeah that makes sense but I'm glad your staying!"

"me too.."

(Sorry if it's a little short, chapter 11 and 12 drained the life out of me while writing 😭😭😭)

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