chapter 9: just the two of us

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Banana pov:

It's been two days.. I think. Candy stayed over the night before to see how the nephews are and left yesterday, me on the other hand.. I slept horrible these past two days, my arm has been throbbing non stop. 'Stupid police shooting me..' I sighed as I got up,I went downstairs to see my nephews looking like nothing had ever happened.. They seem like their normal selves.. I looked away as I went to the kitchen, I remember everything the day after that whole incident.. And I told candy, I trust her enough to keep my secret safe. But I'm not ready to tell pear.. I feel like I need to keep it away from him and it's hard, trust me I tried with my brother. Anyways I heard a knock on my door "kids, candy here!" I yelled out to let my nephews know. I went and open the door to see her "hey"

"D.B! How you been? Is your arm okay?"

"Yeah.. I'll tell you inside.." she went into my house and said hello to my nephews, they waved back to her happily. "Well your nephews healed well from everything, but how about you? How have you been?"

"Eh, I had better days.. It's just my arm that has been throbbing for the last two days and it's driving me crazy!" I said in anger, yes even though the bullet was removed by pear.. It still feels like something is in there, and it hurts. Candy looked at me worried then sighed "look I told you this yesterday.. If it keeps on hurting, we need to see a doctor about it. And you denied going to one at first but now it sounds like you can't bear it can you?" I nodded as she smiled "good! I'll set an appointment for a doctor to check your arm, for now-" we heard a knock as I saw candy go to the door. "Oh yeah, I won't be the only one visiting" I got confused as I saw her open the door and I saw pear holding a flower bouquet with him. I blushed a bit as I looked away so he wouldn't see me blush. "Hey banana, you okay?" he said as he went to me "yeah, heh, never been better!"

"He's been complaining how his arm hurts for the past two days!" I heard candy yell that out as I smiled holding back the anger and embarrassment I had in me.. God I never felt these emotions mixed together in a long time.. Anyways "candy was suggesting I should go to the doctor about my arm, what do you think?" I said holding the flowers pear gave me, but pear didn't respond as he took off the bandage and saw how my arm was.. It was a lot worse than before. He looked at my arm then at me, put back the bandage and pulled me out the door "we'll be back soon!"

"Okay, I'll take care of these rascals!" pear smiled as he pulled me into my car and went back into my house, then came back, open the car and shoved me into it "pear what are you do-"

"We're going to take you to the hospital, a wound like that should not be left how it is right now.." I looked at him as I blushed a bit, as he drove to the hospital.

No one pov:

Pear and banana arrived at the hospital. They went inside and went to one of the doctors there, they x rayed his arm and looked at it. "Well the bone is a bit cracked so it will heal soon, for now your arm needs to be casted for it to heal faster." the yellow apple said as they wrapped a cast around banana's arm and made him wear an arm sling. They headed out and decided to walk around so banana could get used to wearing it. "Man this is the first time they gave me a cast," he said happily as pear almost choked on air "how are you happy about that?"

"It looks cool!.." he smiled as pear sighed and shook his head (?) a bit. 'Damn this man.. He's such a goofball..' he thought as they continued to walk, they talked for a bit and made each other laugh and smile. Pear saw what time it was and told banana to head back home.

(Time skip to when they get home o-o)

Pear pov:

I drove back home to banana's place.. I haven't seen him so gloomy, I wonder what happened? I wanted to ask him But I don't want to invade his privacy like that, from the look on his yellow face it seems it's a bit.. Touchy to say the least. We arrived back home and I knocked on the door, I saw the doorknob moving up and down a bit then it moved as I saw candy holding peel in her arms "uncle look I opened the door! With the help of candy"

"That's great peely!" I saw the smile on banana's face and I smiled, it's really nice to see him smile. He picked up his nephew from candy's arms as I saw him going into his house. I was about to leave until I heard someone call my name "pear! I have a question for you?"

I turned to see banana coming to me "yes, what is it?"

"Want to stay the night? Like a sleepover?"

"Like a sleepover?"

"Like a sleepover! Well if you want to.." he looked away from me, I saw his hand on mine, as much as I wanted it off my hand, there was something that was making me not move it off.. I sighed then respond

"Well I would love to come, Even if I have work tomorrow, I can be a little late before the show I gu-"

"Yay! Thanks, pear!" he hugged me tightly with one hand, even if he's injured.. God he's strong.. I blushed a bit and looked at him "can you let me go now?"

He smiled and nodded and put me down."Alright, I'll get some things for this sleepover and come back straight away.. Or whatever time you want me to be here."

"Okay! Be here at 7pm! That's when it starts" I nodded as he was about to close the door I grabbed his hand and kissed him on the cheek a bit and ran out like how I usually run out in the show. My mind was spiraling as I did that but no matter.. It's time to get ready for this sleepover.

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