chapter 18: kidnapped..

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No one pov:

Pear went out to close the studio for the night after a long day, as he was walking to his car he heard some steps and turned around "who there?!.." he looks around as he keeps hearing noises as he opens his car door and holds out the gun he had yesterday.. Banana let him have it in case of anything.. He looks around and sees nothing, as soon as he was calming down he felt someone hit his head. Knocking him out cold, the same blackberry and raspberry came and took him to the van "goddamn he's hard to pull! Is this how all pear's are?"
"No.. I think this is how all celebrities are.."
They pushed him into the car and drove him out of town.

They got to the city and parked in a little run down building, the blackberry grabbed their walkie talkie "we got who you ask boss.."
'Good, take him to the room, I'll see what I'll do with him"
"Yes sir.." the blackberry nodded to the raspberry as they grabbed pear and took him inside the building..

Banana pov:
It's been two days since I seen pear.. Since I heard from him.. Wonder what's going on.. My leg was shaking a bit as I was sitting on my couch, then I heard the door open "hey ban, how was the nephews"
"Eh.. you will never understand.. Driving to three different schools for three different kids" he said as he went to the couch and collapsed on it, I chuckled a bit as he looked at me "banana, you alright?"
"Yeah! I'm fine.." I said as my leg was shaking more, "banana.. You're not okay.. What's going on?"
"Whattt nooo... fine,I'm not.. Look I'm just worried okay!"
"From 2 days ago?" Ban said as I looked down "'s just.. How everything is happening right now, the cops are getting close to finding me.. Most of the people I care now know! And.. I haven't heard from pear in two days! I know that sounds.. Um.. I don't know!

 I don't know!

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I just.. I'm worried that.. I.. something might've happened to him! Or.. I might've broken him when he found out..and tried to play cool in front of me.. I.."
"Hey hey hey, calm down D.B.. it's okay, maybe he's busy or something with his work or career.." ban said as he was comforting his brother, banana calmed down and leaned on his brother "i'm sorry.. Everything is just.. Ugh..." ban patted his back as he continued to comfort him "how about this, later today, we can go visit him to see how he's doing. Alright?" Banana looks at his brother and squeals a bit as he hugs him tight "oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! You're the best and only brother I ever had!"
"Yeah.. you're welcome.."

(later that day)

No one pov:
They went to pear house, banana looked at the house then at his brother and sighed, "okay.. Let's do this" he got out of the car (which by the way D.B car finally got fixed) and went to the door, then knocked..
"Did anyone answer-"
"..Something doesn't feel right.." Banana said as he backed away from the door and ran to it, hitting himself against the door, Ban got out and went to him "the hell you doing?"
"Something's not right! I just know it!" he said as he was going to try again and felt someone grab his arm "you can't barge in like that!"
".. you know I did this before.. And I can do it again" he ran and kicked the door down as he fell with the door in the process ".. pear!" he said as he got up and ran inside the house "banana wait!!" his brother followed as they both went inside the house, banana looked everywhere in the house, everything looked normal.. House keys were gone, the blue tie wasn't in pear's room. Banana went back into the living room, breathing heavily a bit "he's not here.."
"Of course he isn't, he might've gone to work or something!"
".. I know that man well.. He didn't go to shovelware studio's today.." Ban looked at him as he saw the banana went to the kitchen "if he did, the coffee maker should've been on.. But it's off, and there is no sign of coffee in it.."
"Since when did you become a detective?"
".. I'm not a detective.. I know in my gut(?) there's something wrong in the air.. Something happened to him.. We need to go to shovelware studio's!!" Ban looked at his brother running to his car as he checked the time "banana wait,.. How about you go to the studio and I'll go pick up my kids..I'll drop you off there and head straight to the schools"
"Alright.." they got into the car and headed there..

They got to the studio and banana was dropped off as he went walking there, he saw a sign from announcer saying

They got to the studio and banana was dropped off as he went walking there, he saw a sign from announcer saying

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"No show today, the host hasn't
showed up.. :("
"Hm.." he turned around to see a green car, "*gasp* that's pear's car!" He went to it and saw that a gun was on the floor and his car door was slightly open. "What happened here.. Wait.." he looked up to see tire skits on the road, meaning someone was in a hurry.. "He was kidnapped.. Oh shit he was kidnapped!!"

Ban pov:
I was driving to the highschool where ripe goes 'the last school' . I thought as I drove near the front and picked up ripe, splits and peel were fighting in the back while ripe sat in the front with me "hey dad, where's uncle?"
"Oh, he had to do something at home.." as I said that I got a text on my phone, we stopped near a red light as I quickly checked

"I'll be gone for the afternoon! Tell my nephews I won't be here for probably till later.. depends :3
(read 3:58pm)

'Huh? What does he mean by that..' I thought as I looked up to see the light turning green, then began to drive home..

I started to wake up, I can't feel my hands(?) nor arms. I felt.. Tied? I saw I was in a dark room with one little light to lighten up the room a bit. I tried to move or talk but there was something that made me unable to, as I looked around in my surroundings in a bit of anger, I heard a door open.
"Well well well, if it isn't' the host of shovelware brain game hollywood! Welcome to the mafia, you are just the right pawn we need for our plan"
*muffles* "plan?!" I started to move which caused the chair to rock and jump, the unknown fruit grabbed a gun and shot my leg with a dart?.. Everything was becoming slow and.. Dizzy..

"There there, it will be all over soon"

(Author 's note:
The last bit duplicated so i had to change it :3)

shovelware brain game swap AU! (pearnana :3)Where stories live. Discover now