chapter 19: getting the message

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this will contain cussing if your sensitive to that)

Banana pov:
I went to the bus stop, and got in.. I asked the bus driver to take me back to my old home.. As he started to drive, I was planning on how to save pear.. I texted ban that I would be gone for a bit, but I'm not sure when I will come back.. Or if I even come back alive..but my only goal is to get him back.

We got to the city as the bus stopped,I got off and walked to the building.. I saw the building and gripped my wrist (?) a bit. "There close.. Fuck that shit, they have my boyfriend!!" he kicks the glass door open as he steps on the shards of glass on the floor.. A grape woke up from a nap and saw banana "uh.. Hello, sure.. Did you see the sign, were clo- did you break the fucking door!!"
"Yes I did! Now you tell me here and here only.. Where. Is. he?"
"Where's who?!"
"Where is he!! Tell me!! Where did you hide him" I said as I banged my hands on the desk, the grape was scared.. But I didn't care..
"Sir, I don't know who you are.. Or who you're talking about.."
"I'm banana, I used to work here.. And you have something you stole from me.."
"Sir.. please get out of here, before I call security!!" The grape said scared but at the same time a little angry.
"Tell me where the fuck is he!!" banana said as the grape called security, some fruits and candies came as banana looked at them all. "Oh.. great.."

Ban pov:
As I was about to drive near the neighborhood where my brother lives, I can't help but think, 'what did my brother mean by his text? .. will he come soon? Where did he go..?' then it hit me
I stopped the car "OH SHIT, MY BROTHER IS IN TROUBLE!!"
"Wait uncle's what?!" ripe said as I turned around, to see my sons a bit shocked "dad, what do you mean by uncle is in trouble..?" splits said as I looked at him and sighed "your uncle sent me something and I feel like he's in trouble.."
"You mean he needs help in the house?"
"I don't think he's even in the house peel.. But if he is, I'll try to stop him before he does something stupid.." I parked the car and let my kids into the house, I went to his room and opened it "he's not here.. Shit he's not here..maybe he's still at the studio.. Or maybe with one of his friends" I ran down the stairs and grabbed my phone. " Maybe candy saw him last.. He might've gone there after going to the studio" I dialed her phone and just got a message from her

"Sorry, can't call, at note's house, uh.. Totally hanging out with her and not kinda having a small movie night :D"
(read 4:02pm)

"Okay, but have you seen banana? He's not at his house"
(read 4:03pm)

"Come on.. Answer!" I said as just three dots form form her, then a picture was sent and a text

 Answer!" I said as just three dots form form her, then a picture was sent and a text

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"Stole her phone, she can't talk for a bit"
(read 4:07pm)

"Ugh.. what am I going to do.. Banana is going to get himself killed!! Or even worse, he might kill someone..!" I sat on the couch worried, I was thinking of what to do.. Then it hit me "wait.. What was he doing last.. Oh no, he was trying to find pear.., and I know he could come back home by bus.. If he's not here, and definitely not at the studio then.. Oh shit.. That's what he meant in the text! He's going back.. Oh shit I got to stop him before it's too late!!.. .. but I don't think I can do this alone.." he looked around and saw D.B phone on the counter ringing, ban went to it and picked it up "hello?"
"Hey, D.B have you se- wait who are you? You don't sound like D.B"
"Hey, I'm his brother, uh.. Do you know where he is whoever you are"
"My name p3achy and No I don't, I was wondering where pear was, he hasn't shown up to the studio nor answered announcer's or my texts.. So I was going to call D.B to ask where he was, did he do anything to him!"
"No! Look I know you're still shocked about everything but he was trying to find pear! And now he hasn't returned.. And I kinda know why.. I'm going to get my brother out of this mess, but Its really risky.. I don't kn-"
"I'm in!" p3acy said as I looked at his brother's phone shock "huh? What do you-"
"If it's that important to get those two back, we're going to help you!"
"Wait we? Who's we?"
"Well, me and g3ape as well as some of my friends if they can help!!" I looked a bit confused then sighed "Okay! Thank you.. I kinda need some help now that I think about it, p3achy was it? Tell your friends about this and meet up at shovelware studios around 6pm.."
"Aright!" She hung up the phone as I checked the time. "4:48pm.. I have time to plan.."

No one pov:
Ban got his kids in the car and told them what was going on as they drive to shovelware brain game, he saw announcer with battery, mochi, dice, p3achy and grap3 all talking to each other and candy and note were getting out of the car and heading to the group. Ban parked the car and went to them "hey, thanks for coming.. I hope p3achy told you what's going on.."
"Yeah, so what's your plan on saving these two, mister?" announcer said as ban sighed and looked at all of them "name's ban, and I'm here with all of you to help get banana and pear back before anything else happens, I know you might not want to help him after what happened.. But I can explain all of this. He never wanted any of this to happen..and now that pear is gone, banana had to leave to find him..he can't do this alone. So that's why we're here. My plan is to go to San berrilee to find banana and pear and get them home safely. Does anyone have any questions?"
Note raised her hand a bit "why are there kids here?"
"Oh, these are my sons.. I can't leave them alone and if I do they might find a way to come to us in the most dangerous way possible.." ban said as note looked at him and backed up near candy, dice raised her hand excitedly "so when are we going to save these two!!"


Banana out of breath kept fighting till one of the guards grabbed him "ah! Let me go!! Agh!!" he kicked his little legs as he saw a familiar fruit come his way "well well well, welcome back..banana"
"Ugh.. dragon,I don't have time to talk with you.. I'm a little busy!"
"Busy doing what, fighting my henchmen? Heh, well I know why you're here.. The little pawn is safe for now if you're wondering" banana looks at him and growls a bit "where is he? Where did you put him!! Tell me right no- hmmmghh" the guard covered his mouth as dragon chuckled "how about no, your just the one we need for our plan"
"Hmmghghg!!!" banana tried to speak as dragon went to the guard "take him to 'the room'"
The guard nodded as he took banana to the room, as they got to the floor of the room the fruit guard opened a metal door and threw banana in there then locked it, as soon as they left they grabbed a walkie talkie "are you sure we can keep him in there sir"
"Yes, he'll tired himself out soon" the fruit nodded as he kept hearing banging from the door,

Banana pov:
I got thrown into this prison cell as I ran and tried to bang and open the door, "let me out!! Let. me.. Out!!" tears fell a bit as I kept banging and punching the door, I felt tired and my breath got more heavy as I continued to punch the door "let.. Me..out.." I fell to the ground exhausted

tears fell though my face as I tried to get up but I couldn't

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tears fell though my face as I tried to get up but I couldn't.. I couldn't save him.. I couldn't save my world blacken, I promised under my breath
"I will find you.."
Then everything became black..

To be continued..

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