chapter 7: the chase

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(Warning: this chapter contains curse words and a bit of blood which is there juices, if your sensitive to that also this will be a L O N G chapter so be prepared)

Banana pov:
A few days later I woke up always questioning where I was, then it hit me. I'm in my old room again. I have been visiting my brother for the past week and today is a day that is more important than what he had told me.. This day is so important that I had to- "uncle, can you help me with the balloons!" "of course splits, give me a sec" it was my brother's birthday.. We were planning on staying for 2 weeks.. But these past few days have been more complicated than last time. I helped splits with the balloons and told ripe to hide the presents, then I heard a door open 'oh no' I thought as I ran to my brother's door and shut it "ow! What was that for dancin!?"
"Uh, nothing! Did you hurt your hand?"
"Technically you squashed my hand on the door! So yeah I did hurt my hand" he said angrily as I giggled a bit and stayed near the door. " mind opening the door so I can get my hand out?.."
"Fine" I said as I opened the door, I saw a red hand coming out only to see someone running out the door, "ban!" we started to chase each other around the house, I was trying to hide everything from ban as I caught up and fell on top of him, I held his hand near his back as he yelled uncle and laughed "we still act like kids don't we"
"Well you do dancin" I scoff at him 'really calling me a child?.. Well he's not wrong' then I heard peel yell out my name to come with ban. "Coming! Okay ban, close your eyes and come with me" I said as I grabbed his hand and we went to the living room, "open your eyes!" He saw that there were balloons and everything you see at a little stay home birthday party. The look on his face when he saw everything, we sat down and celebrated. But then as we were going to get presents we heard a knock..

(ban gets a pov wow!)
Ban pov:
I heard a knock on the door, I told the kids to stay where they are, then I pulled dancin near me "I'll go look to see who it is, it might be the mailman or the police but if it's the police hide upstairs with my sons and don't make a noise.."
Dancin nodded as he backed up and I went to check. I looked through the peephole.. 'Shit'
"oh shit"
"It's the police, remember what I told you!" I yelled out as he nodded and told my kids to go upstairs to find the presents, I opened the door and saw the police "hey!.. How's it been"
"We're here to investigate the house.. Remember"
"Oh.. yeah, I thought you were here to question me or something hehe" I chuckled awkwardly. One of the police came to me. He was a cookie like cop "we talked and tried to get the most out of you, now we're here to see if there are any traces of him here.."
"Look can you just look here and not upstairs.. My kids are there and I don't want them to get confused about what's going on." the cops looked at me then sighed "okay, but the next time we come here we'll look what's up there" they entered my home and looked around.. This is scary, I know my brother is a wanted criminal.. But I don't know how much I can do before they find out.. They got out of my house with nothing in their hands. "Well we looked and well nothing, we will come back next week to check again." the cookie cop said as I nodded and they closed the door, I sighed and told them they can come down now. Dancin went down stairs first before my kids did "kids I need you to start packing, I think you need to leave soon"
"Alright dad!" peel said as splits hugged me
"We'll miss you" I patted his head "I'll miss you too squirt.." dancin told them they will be staying with him a little longer as he came to me.. "So what did they say.."
"They will be coming to my house again, so the best option is for you guys to try to leave as soon as possible.." I saw the sadness in my brother's eyes as he hugged me "wish I can stay a little longer.."

No one pov:
The cops were leaving the house as they saw a banana shape at the window hugging ban, he saw that it was the silhouette of D.B as they gasped "boss! Boss! He lied to us, the banana is in there!"
"He is?!"
"Yes! We need to get in there ASAP!" They all ran into the door with loaded guns as they saw dancin seeing them and running "open the doors men! Now!"

Banana pov:
I stopped hugging my brother as I saw the cops running to the house, they spotted me! I ran into my room, packed my things and got out. I saw my nephews coming down "quickly kids we need to go!"
"Why do we have to go in such a rush?"
"Um.. to get you ready for school early! Remember?" The three groaned as they heard knocking then the cops kicked down the door. I grabbed my nephews hands asn they grabbed onto their suitcases and each other as well all ran out the door into my car "he's stealing those kids!"
"Fuck.." I said under my breath as I started the car and drove as fast as this car could go. My nephews were scared and shocked how fast this car could go. I broke some laws like driving faster than the speed limit and passing through red lights.. You know traffic laws.
"Whoa uncle I never knew you could drive this fast this is so fucking cool!" ripe said as I looked at him for a split second. "Ripe, watch your language especially in front of your younger brothers!" he kept silent as I saw the cops kept getting smaller the faster I went but I then saw my gas was low, there was a gas station nearby so I slowed down and parked there. "Okay kids, stay here and whatever you do do not make a sound.. Please" I went to fill the gas. Peel had some cookies and I saw him about to eat the last cookie till Splits started to talk to him, the windows were a bit open so I heard their argument.. "Can you give me one?"
"No this is the last one"
"You've been eating cookies this entire time we've been in here, let me have one!"
"No splits its mine!!"
I saw Splits take the cookie from peel's hand as he eats it "no no no!!" peel said loudly as he saw him eat the cookie, peel started to have tears in his eyes and started to cry. I heard him crying,I put the gas back onto the machine and went to peel "oh no, peel honey don't cry it's just a cookie" I said as I opened the door and held the peel in my arms... But he didn't listen and started to cry in my arms. I saw the police coming near and saw I was holding my crying nephew. I put him back into the seat, got the car started and drove off. Peel was crying, I was stress and there were gunshots.. Wait, gunshots!? I opened my window as Ifixed my outside mirror to see them shooting, trying to pop one of my wheels but I was one step a he-.. I felt pain rushing through my body, I saw a gunshot wound on my arm when I was checking the mirror outside my window.. I can't stop now, I need to keep going..
"Uncle what's happening?"
"I- uh!" I said as we crossed the border to my new home town and saw the cops stopping..

No one pov:
"He got away again.. This time with innocent kids.. What do we do boss?"
someone walked to the cop and put his hand on his shoulder.. "Don't worry, I know someone who can take care of him there.. We just need to see where he goes now." Back in the city there was a cafe. Seeing pear walking into the cafe he was a bit tired from the show. It was his break time as he ordered a cup of tea and sat down with it.

Pear pov:
Another day at the studio, I was on break and decided to go to the local coffee shop, I got myself a tea and started to drink. Then I saw a candy coming into the cafe and then looked at me shocked, confused. I looked at her back as she went to me. "Are you the shovelware brain game host pear!" she said as I chuckled a bit "yes I am" I said in my usual confident self. "But not a lot of people recognize m-" before I finished that sentence I saw a body fly into the cafe glass wall and break, landing on the floor. There were glass shards everywhere as some juice- blood was on the floor too. I went to the body as well as that candy and we looked at it in shock. "Dancin!?"
I looked at her "you know him?"
"Yeah, he's my friend! But is he okay?"
"I don't think he is.." I picked him up bridal style to see him unconscious, a bit of glass shards on his face and blood.. All over his left arm.. I was so scared I wanted to cry but I didn't. I had a spare tie at the studio so I wrapped mine on his arm to stop the bleeding at least 'shit what was this man thinking.. In any case what the hell happened to him..' I didn't want to take him to the hospital because his condition wasn't so bad... I looked at the candy
"We need to take him back to the studio, I have a first aid kit there. Check to see where he came in and from." The candy nodded as she went outside and saw a car, it crashed near a tree and saw that the wind shield was also broken.
I went outside still carrying banana, I'm really worried.. I hope he's okay.. Really.. I saw candy carrying the three nephews Banana told me about "I found his nephews, they were just unconscious from the impact as far as I can tell.."
"Alright let's bring them to my car, unload what they have in there and go to the studio.." the candy nodded as she put the nephews in the back and I put banana's unconscious body in the front carefully, I saw the candy grabbing suitcases from the back and putting them in the back of my car (pear didn't had gas in his car when he went with banana to hang out :^ ) I then told her to follow me as we both drove to the studio..

(It's so long :'D)

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