chapter 15: spin the bottle

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(Credits to SWBGfan450 /winter for the idea!!!)

No one pov:
2 weeks has passed since ban has moved into dancing home temporarily, banana and ban both went to the doctor to finally get dancing cast off. "There you go,your body has finally healed and patched the hole in your bone. How do you feel mr.banana?"
"..good, I might need a while to get use to my arm feeling free again but yeah.. thank you"
The doctor nodded as ban and banana walked out of the doctor office and outside "so banana, how do you feel?"
"..good.. But I can't help that there is still something in my bone.."
"Then why didn't you tell the doctor about that?"
D.B looked away as ban looked at him concerned but understood why, they got into the bus and it took them home. While the bus was on the road D.B gets a text from candy saying she wants to meet him at shovelware studios "hey, want to go to shovelware studios?"
"Sure, but let's not stay for too long.. Ripe can't be in charge forever" D.B giggled as they pulled the little lever to get off once they were near shovelware studios.

Candy pov:
I was waiting for D.B to come, I really want him to meet my new friend p3achy while she was on break. I got a text from him saying they were near, as I looked at my phone I then looked up to see him and his brother.. Wait "D.B! Ban?!" I said as I ran to hug my friend "hey candy!"
I unhugged him then said hi to ban, "hey ban! It's been so long since I seen you, how you been?"
"Better.. I'm here to visit my brother for a while."
"So why did you text me for us to meet here?" D.B asked as I saw p3achy coming my way "well.. I would like you to meet someone! My best friend p3achy!"

I said as p3achy went to me "hi! My names p3achy, what's your!""Name's dancing banana or D

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I said as p3achy went to me "hi! My names p3achy, what's your!"
"Name's dancing banana or D.B for short. This is my older brother ban!" he waved hi as they both started to greet each other. I smiled as I started to get an idea "hey I have an idea! How about a hang out at my house so we can all get to know each other better!"
"That's a great idea, but what will we do?" I looked at D.B and started to think, he was right, what will we do? Then it hit me "okay, this may sound a bit weird but how about we do spin the bottle and maybe truth or dare.. But I'll see!" I said happily as D.B smiled and agreed to the idea "that sounds like a great idea!"
"Yeah!" p3achy said as I was thinking of who to invite as I saw blueberry getting the audience to their seats "well, I got to go candy but text me when this hang out will be!"
"Okay! I'm going to tell the others okay, see you later D.B and ban!" they waved bye as I went to my seat.

Banana pov:
Hang out at candy's house! This will be fun! As we left the building me and ban were talking about the invite candy told us, ban said he will stay with his kids to take care of them while I went with my friends. We got back home and I hugged my nephews hello, they saw that I got my cast off and were really happy. As I went to my room I couldn't help but something didn't feel right with my arm.. 'Guess it's just me getting used to not having a cast on it anymore..' I thought as I got a text from candy saying in 3 days at 6pm will be the hangout. I got super excited "I can't wait!!"

(3 days later)

I was walking to candy's place, she told me and I thought everyone else to bring some snacks if they would like and of course I brought snacks. Banana pudding and cookies cause why not :3 anyways I got to her house and knocked on the door and I saw the door knob turn "hey D.B you made it! And early too!"
"Your house is near mine, of course I would get here early! So who else did you invite?"
"Well.. I invited pear,p3achy,mochi,announcer and battery but battery said he will also be bringing another with him besides announcer"
"Well who's here?" I said as I turned and saw pear and p3achy talking then pear turned to see me and got up from where he was. He hugged me as I kissed his face "hi pear!! How you been"
"Pretty good, I'm glad candy planned on my day off so I can be here to see you and meet others too!" I smiled with my boyfriend as we went to see p3achy "have you met my friend p3achy yet dacnin?"
"Yeah! Candy introduced me to her '' I waved to her as she waved back happily, we heard a knock as candy opened it and saw that a mochi came and candy introduced her to me and pear, we both waved hi as she sat down and we all continued to chat. Candy got to the door again and a battery, announcer and someone else were there. "Hey battery, who's your friend?"
"oh , glad you asked! This is dice! Dice, these are my friends and.. Hey you, what's your name?"
"Oh the name dancing banana! Nice to meet you all" we all introduced ourselves as we started the game.

No one pov:
Candy told everyone the game was a truth or dare spin the bottle, "okay the rules are simple, everytime the bottle spins and lands on one of you, you have three options. Either pick truth, dare, or kiss the person next to you! You can't not chicken out or deny either of these options, is everyone clear on that?"
They all nodded (?) as candy grabbed the bottle and spined it, it landed on banana as she looked at him "okay D.B, truth, dare or kiss the person next to you!" D.B looked at pear and blushed, he wasn't ready to get his first kiss yet so he said "truth.." he said stubbornly
"Okay! Is it true.. That you got your cast off?" dancin looked at her and sighed "it took that long to notice?"
"Well kinda yeah hehe" dancin giggled as he then spinned the bottle, as the game went on everyone was having fun and getting to know each other more. Battery kissed announcer due to him not knowing what to choose, candy spilled juice on mochi as a dare from p3achy and while all of that was going on pear and banana held hands in secret. The final dares and truth were being shown as the bottle landed on candy "okay candy truth or dare" battery said as candy smiled "dare!"
"Okay, I dare you to tell your more recent secret to the person next to you"
"That's it?.. Okay" she turns to p3achy and whispers the secret to her "p3achy you got to promise not to tell anyone till we get the all clear sign okay..'
She nodded as candy sighed and told her 'pear and D.B are dating..'
"They are!?"
"Shhh!!" 'You can't tell anyone till they feel comfortable saying it out loud.. Okay'
P3achy nodded as candy said she was done telling her secret.

Banana pov:
It was getting late as everyone cleaned up and started to head home, I hugged candy goodbye and left, me and pear talked when he was walking me home

"hey would you be able to come tomorrow?""For the show? Of course I will, I promise""Alright! It's been pretty boring with you there to lighten things up" he said jokingly as I laughed a bit, holding hand the whole way home we stopped and I kissed...

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"hey would you be able to come tomorrow?"
"For the show? Of course I will, I promise"
"Alright! It's been pretty boring with you there to lighten things up" he said jokingly as I laughed a bit, holding hand the whole way home we stopped and I kissed his cheek as a thank you "see you tomorrow, and I promise I will be at the show tomorrow to see you!"
"Okay! Heh bye dancin.. I love you!"
"Love you too!" I smiled as I walked to my door.

We're close to catching him.."
"Good.. tell one of your cops to go to this.. Shovelware studios and find that banana.. He has an appointment to see an.. Old friend"

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