chapter 6: we meet again..

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(this chapter  will mostly contain banana's pov and fear so yea :3)

Banana pov:

The next day I woke up, I had my stuff packed and ready to go.. 'Especially the things I need to..' I heard yelling from downstairs and saw peel trying to get ripe cereal "boys, boys settle down!" I said as I ran down the stairs to help with the situation, they can be a handful.. But I got used to it. For nine years.. Anyways we got ready, finished breakfast and went into the car and started to drive.

30 minutes to 1 hour later we got to the neighborhood.. The same one I grew up in, I moved from here a decade ago and it's time to visit someone important. I parked near a house and then we all knocked on the door. I heard the door open and there he was.

No one pov:

"Hey D.B, it's been a while"

"Heh yeah a whil-" banana almost fell as he saw his nephews run to the man. "Dad!"

They hugged their father in joy "ripe, splits ,peel how are you three doing? Were you nice to your uncle?"

"Yes we were!" splits answered

"We're doing fine, it was the first time these two were calm for once in the car" ripe said as peel looked at him "hey!" their father chuckled as he let them all in.

Banana pov:

I sat down on my brother's couch as I saw the nephews going into their real rooms and unpacking their stuff, I smiled as I saw my brother coming to me "so what's the news you need to tell me ban.."

He sat down near me and sighed "they found out.."

"What! How?" I was shocked, I can't believe they found out.. How though..

"Remember your last visit here.. Before you left.."

"Ah yes, Christmas day, how could I forget.. What about it?"

"Well, while me and you were shopping a day before Christmas, it seems that one of the officers saw you with me... Then a few weeks later they came to my house when the kids were at school and took me for questioning.." he said as I looked at him then realized something..

"Is that why you let me take care of these little adorable rascals more and more often?"

"Yes.. and the thing is these little visits for questioning and evidence keep happening more and more frequently to the point that I can't even take care of my sons for so long.. So I made a decision. I need you to legally become their legal guardian. To take care of them like their your own kids for now on.."

I was shocked, I was trying to process this decision my brother brought up.. I can't, I couldn't.. I don't want my nephews to get tangled into this mess I got myself into.. "But what if they find me? What if they find out? How will I take care of them and also try to deal with this?" I said as my mind spiraled out of control, the air around me felt like the earth was shaking as I felt a hand on my hand, I looked up to see my brother ban. "It will be okay, I'll try to figure out this mess on my own and stall as long as I can.. For now, I need you to be there for them okay.."

I nodded as he got up, I did as well and I went to get my stuff to unpack..

I went to my old room, I saw my old bi flag hanging on the wall as well as my cheering trophies and other items. It felt so nostalgic as I put down my suitcase and unload the things I had. I then laid on my old bed and tried to wrap these thoughts in my head. It's even harder now because I have to take care of my three nephews.. And pear.. What would he think of me if he found out.. I mean we're friends but.. Still. I turned to my side and saw my phone glow, I looked at it and it was a text from pear.. My face got red and I smiled as I started to text him

"Hey how have you been?" ;)

"I been good and tired, I'm staying over at my brother's house for a bit that's why I would be out of town" :P

(read 2:47pm)

"That's cool! I only have so much time to chat, so I decided to text you". :)

My face became more red, does he return my feelings? No, he's just being friendly I guess,....he is though? I continued  to text him till I saw he needed to go for the show. I texted him I will see him on TV and to pretend I'm there. He sent me a smile emoji and left me on read, I smiled as I got out of bed and went downstairs to see the show on TV.

(a sneak peak of chapter 7 is right here of you want to see :D)

(also the sneak peak is in comic form cus I wanted it to be >:3)

(also the sneak peak is in comic form cus I wanted it to be >:3)

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