chapter 4 : the ride

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Banana pov:

This is so awesome! I have never been to one of these before! I walked with pear as I saw a giant ferris wheel "look! Should we go there first?" pear looked at me and smile "sure, looks fun"

"Alright let's go!" I said as I pulled pear with me to the ferrel wheel, I heard about ferris wheels on TV. Apparently it's a really fun ride and I kinda want to see why it's so fun! The kiwi let us in and we went into one of the seats. We strap ourselves and off we go! I looked down and saw we were going higher and higher.. And I started to feel scared. "Hey you oka-" I heard pear's voice as I hugged him a bit. I felt his face getting warm as mine did too. "Why do I feel scared all of the sudden?"

"You might be afraid of heights.." pear said calmly as he tried to calm me down, I never felt this scared in my life. "Hey, it's going to be okay, just hold onto my hand and we'll be fine"

I looked at his hand and held on to it a bit tight. I felt less scared and more comfortable as I looked out and saw how beautiful the area was. My eyes glimmered as I kept looking at the view.

Pear pov:

Everything felt like a dream, I don't think this is just a hang out.. I feel like it's more of a date. Maybe this is a date. I looked at banana as he smiled when looking at the view. It was so cute to see him happy. I smiled as I thought of what to talk about while we were up here, then it hit me.. "Hey so.. Why do you have kids?" Banana looked at him shocked then choked on air a bit "well t- there not mine, I mean- th- there mine.. There my nephews!" he stuttered, I might have said something wrong as he continued "there my nephews, there visiting me over the summer.. I just wish it could last a little longer"

"Why do you say that?"

"Well most of their lives I've been there, taking care of them.. Even though it was hard I got used to it.. It's sad to see them go back to their dad's place, but recently I have been seeing them more often and I'm glad that at least-'' they heard the ferrel wheel going down. I looked to see we were going down then I felt someone leaning on me, I turned to see banana leaning on me. 'He looks so comfortable, so cute..' I smiled as the ride stopped, we got off and went onto some other rides.

No one pov:

They went on some other rides like roller coasters and the carousel too,after that they were going to Banana's car "so how did you get here?"

"Well I took the bus here..(don't ask why)"

"Do you need a ride to the restaurant?" banana asked as pear nodded, banana smiled as they got into the car and pear helped him to get to the restaurant.

(I kinda got lazy there,sorry btw I just have an idea for them to just go to dinner but nothing else. If anyone has any ideas they want to share with me on what they should do on the dinner date let me know please. Thanks :D )

- plush

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