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Friday, August 28th, 2020 [5:17pm]

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Friday, August 28th, 2020 [5:17pm]

Mariah Lee Brown


"Okay but can I come see you? like you can meet my motha or something." Daniel rolled his eyes in the camera.

Mariah had called Daniel out of boredom, she was in the bathtub listening to music with a glass of wine in her hand when the thought to call him randomly popped up in her head.

"Maybe later on in the month Daniel not today." She laughed.

She didn't know where the meeting his mom part came from but it was funny. Mariah felt nervous at the thought of meeting Daniels mom.

"Speaking of meeting my family, my sister keep asking me about you yo. She nosy as fuck." He smacked his lips.

"How does she even know about me?" She looked in the camera.

"Her nosy ass was scrolling through the messages in my phone from that day and saw our messages when you got mad at me." He took a pull from the blunt that he had in his hand.

"Nah that's crazy." Mariah busted out laughing.

"How old is she? fifteen now?"

"Yea she just turned fifteen in July."

"Damn bro time went by quick as fuck." She shook her head.

"Nah deadass." He chuckled.

"Okay you can come over." Mariah played with the bubbles in her bath.

"Ight bet i'll be there in like fifteen minutes." Daniel said as he hung up the phone.

She locked her phone and sat it down on the toilet next to the tub alongside her drink.

Mariah was now finished up with her bath so she grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her body as she got up.

She put on some lotion and threw on a simple short and shirt set, it was black and it did fit her body well.

The only reason she wanted Daniel to come over was because she felt like she wanted to be close with him again like before. Nothing in the world could make her get back together with him. His energy was at its best when they were friends so she wanted it to go back to how it was but she knew he wanted something different.

Mariah went to her living room to watch tv and sit on her couch but she heard a knock on her door.

Though she already knew who it was, she still asked who it was.

"Who is it?" She yelled from the couch as she began to get up.

"Ya baby father." Daniel yelled back, covering the peep hole.

She unlocked the door and opened it.

"Stop playing dickhead." She laughed.

Daniel hugged her and she was embraced by the warm smell of his cologne. He always knew the right amount to put on, it never smelt like he overdid it like niggas usually did.

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