Chapter 2.

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Kongpob's Pov---------

“Papa !!...”

Sammy whispered. I groaned and burrowed deeper into the covers.

“Papa ??”

'If I didn’t move, he would go away.'


He sang. The kid was too persistent.


Is he speaking in Thai now ??

“Papa ?? Pop ?? Popsy ??”

I put a pillow over my head and attempted to block out the noise. The little monster straddled me.

“PAPA !!”

“WHAT ??”

I finally yelled back.

“Oh good, you are awake...”

Sammy smiled.

"You little devil, come here...."

I grabbed him around the waist and pinned him to the bed before tickling him mercilessly. His desperate pleading fell on deaf ears. I would let him up eventually, but this is what he got for waking me up too early.

The doorbell rang, causing me to freeze and cover Sammy’s mouth with my hand. I brought my finger to my lips, letting him know to stay quiet. When he nodded, I tiptoed over to the window. There were no cars out front, so that only meant one thing.


I had only met a few people in the neighborhood, none of which I cared to spend more time with, then necessary.


I whispered.

“Get dressed. We are sneaking out.”

Next door, on our right, lived Larry and Sheena. They seemed like the average couple at first, but my unhealthy need to save people caused me to learn otherwise.

How was I supposed to know that Sheena liked it rough ??

Luckily so did Larry. Surprisingly He didn’t press charges when I clubbed him with Sammy’s baseball bat. Instead he invited me to join them for dinner. I was too embarrassed that I hadn’t been able to face them since.

Directly across the street lived Tanya, the only single woman on the block. In the short time I lived here, more men have been in her house than I even knew, throughout my life. Maybe that was a slight exaggeration, but she would definitely benefit from having a revolving door installed. I met her when she came over to make a date with me but when I showed no interest she didn't bothered me again, so I guess she wasn’t too bad.

I got dressed as quickly as possible, throwing on a pair of a faded jeans and a round neck T shirt. The mysterious neighbor had given up with the doorbell and was knocking in cheerful little patterns. I sat down to put on my shoes when Sammy came in. He grinned when he saw me almost ready.

“Ready to go ??”

I asked, grabbing my wallet and keys.

He nodded.

“I used the spy-cam. It’s Mrs. Brown”

Mike and Nia Brown lived down the street with their perfect daughter Tara. Nia was the neighborhood gossip queen. I knew if I opened that door I would be trapped for hours listening to exaggerated tales about everyone else’s business.

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