Chapter 3.

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Arthit's Pov---------

It was my day off. I had planned on spending it with my kids, but due to recent events, I would be interviewing nannies all day. I didn’t really understand the problem. My kids were relatively well-behaved. Sophie was a little shy around strangers, but she was usually a sweetheart. Robby was a little more difficult. He was very protective of me and Sophie, so he wasn’t crazy about anyone else being a part of our family. The only nannies he approved of were the ones old enough to be his grandmother.

I decided that they could both help me pick their next nanny. Maybe that way Robby wouldn’t be so quick to run her off. Leaving them with a girlfriend was no longer an option. I couldn’t believe I was so blind about Lilly. I should have trusted Jenny when she told me that Lilly was a bitch, but I had chalked it up to her 24*7 sarcasm driven behaviour.

Me and my friends, we are like a close knitted family. Always together... After college when I decided to join my father's buisness, Knott and Bright joined in with me with their life partners, Noor and Jenny. Prem choose to be a police officer, as it was his childhood dream. But we always stayed close, meeting for weekend dinner's, celebrating the festival with each other families and spending our holidays together as well. They are my family and I really love them.

I was standing in the kitchen washing our dishes from lunch when my phone rang. I smirked when I checked the caller ID.


This should be interesting.

“Hello ??”

I answered smoothly.

“Arthit ??”

It wasn’t Kong.

“Sammy ?? What’s wrong buddy ??”

He sounded scared.

"Me and Papa, were building the tree house. Papa told me not to play with the nail gun, but I didn’t listen. It looked so cool. Trust me, I didn’t mean to shoot him... Papa’s not so good with pain and blood. He passed out. I don’t know what to do !! I put the nail gun down, but I...."

“Calm down buddy. I am on my way... okay. I will be there in few minutes !!”

The poor kid. Though I was a little worried myself, to be honest. That crazy man was started to, kind of growing on me.

“Robby !! Sophie !! Come fast, Put your shoes on. We have got to go !!”

Hearing the urgency in my voice, they came running.

“What’s going on, Dad ??”

Robby asked.

“Kong had a little accident, so we are going to help him and Sammy”

I grabbed my keys.

“Let’s go...”

Robby strapped Sophie in her safety seat as we drove out of the garage.

“Dad... is Kong gonna be okay ??”

“I am sure he will be...”

Thanks to my years on construction sites, My dad taught me how to take care of these kind of injuries. He claimed with Bright on the crew, we all needed to be prepared for anything.

When I pulled up at Kong’s, Sammy ran outside to meet me. He was shaking and had tears in his eyes.

“He hasn’t woke up. I am scared. I didn’t mean to hurt him...”

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