Chapter 16.

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Kongpob's Pov---------

"Kong ?? Baby wake up, I have gotta go to work !!"

'Oh. I hate mornings with a passion.'

But today, All it took was, for Arthit to call me 'baby' and I was burying my face in a pillow to hide my damn smile. Feeling his warm lips brush across my shoulder, made me remember the steamy moments we have shared the privious night.

'Holly shit !! How would I face him after that ??'

He will definitely act as a smug ass again and tease me mercilessly about how I was urging him to go faster !!

No... I can't let that happen. I am gonna pretend that I didn't remember anything about last night... Not even being into his room.

When I turned around, his grip loosened around me and he pulled back.

He smiled at me, skimming his long fingers over my cheekbones lovingly, trickling my skin under his warm touch.

"I am taking the kids to Mom's house. They are spending the night with my parents, so you can stay in bed, as long as you want."

I finally looked into his eyes.

"How did I get here ??"

I asked. My voice was a little raspy from sleep.

The bed dipped next to me as Arthit lay down again.

"You don't remember ?? You practically begged me to take you to the bed and have my way with you last night... How can you forget our first time... Suthiluck ??"

That damn sexy smirk, made him look hella hot, but I had to keep my face unaffected and answer back his teasings.

"OH Really !! but if I end up pregnant this time, you have to marry me, Rojnapat !!"

I replied. As I tried to put up a 'not to mess with me' face.

"That doesn't sound too bad"

He smirked .


I mumbled.

"You would have to beg me on your knees for marrying a smartass like you... "

He smiled and rubbed my ankle over the blanket.

"I will even kiss your feet if that makes you ready, to marry me !!"

My heart skipped a beat.

"Aren't you so sweet Rojnapat ??"

"For you, I can be anything you want Suthiluck..."

He replied with a wink.

"I will try to get home early. You better still be here when I get back"

Arthit warned before kissing my forehead and leaving for work.

I continued to lay there and think about last night. Why I let myself get carried away like that... ?? Am I ready to be with him that way ?? Has Arthit Rojnapat, win over my heart already ??

I needed to find these answers soon enough. I did't want to risk anything that's building up, between us.

Even though his sheets smelled incredible, I finally forced myself to get out of the bed. It felt strange being in Arthit's house all by myself. I was missing our kid's... I realised how easy it was, to say 'Our Kids'. These days Arthit, Robby and Sophie were always on my mind along with Sammy.

That man was really taking over, all of my feelings. I was a little scared by knowing that. Maybe I have spent too much time, being alone that I am scared to share my life with someone else.

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