Chapter 8.

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Kongpob's Pov---------

The house was too quiet. Sammy ended up staying the entire night with Arthit’s parents, or as he now called them, Grandpa Roger and Grandma Rachel. Mrs. Rojnapat called me and informed me of her plans to keep my son along with Robby and Sophie until we could meet for the lunch. That left me sitting on the couch flipping through the channels while Wad got ready for work.

“You and my boss looked pretty cozy in the yard last night. Couldn’t make it to the house you two ??”

He asked, waggling his eyebrows. I wanted to rip the piercing from his lip.

“Speaking of last night, why the hell were you in cuffs… again ??”

That was the second time in three days.

“I forgot that you drove me to work, so I needed a ride home. Bright and Knott offered, but where’s the fun in that ?? I called the cops and told them there was a break-in at Rojnapat Construction....”

Wad smiled.

“Officer Handsome was totally pissed....”

I shook my head. Poor Prem. My brother was going to give him depression or something.

“How are you getting to the office today ??”

“My bike !!”

He said, tossing up a set of keys and catching them again.

“I am not getting any fun here, so I need at least something exciting under me...”

“Go to work Wad....”

I replied.

“Love you bro...”

He sang on his way out of the door.

I was about to relax and try to enjoy having a moment to myself, but some cruel person had other ideas.

“Kong, I have been wanting to talk to you all week. We have so much to catch up on. Why didn’t you tell me you were bisexual ?? I would have understood...”

My crazy neighbour Mike walked inside

“How did you get in here and what the hell do you mean by  bisexual ??”

“Your ‘partner’ let me in....”

He said, using those annoying little air quotes.

It was official. Wad had to die.

“Ignore him. That was my brother, and he loves to tease me”

“Ohhh...okay.... I understand”

He nodded and winked like he was in on some scandalous little secret,

“I will pretend that he is your brother....”

The stupid excuse of a man was enjoying it too much.

“So listen, Nia and I wanted to have you over for dinner sometime. Is tonight good for you ??”

He winked at me again.

Hell no !! What kind of people were living in this neighborhood ??

“Sorry. I am having dinner with the Rojnapats.”

Then I smiled...

“But I will see if Wad can stop by later if you want. He’s a little wild but overall a good company.”

My little brother was going to learn the hard way not to mess with me.

Mike agreed to talk to his wife about it as I walked him to the door.

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