Chapter 17.

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Arthit's Pov---------

This could have easily turned into the worst day of my life...

Kong could have decided, Sammy’s father would be his chance at completing his family, and that scared the hell out of me.

I had taken this fact for granted that Kong was always there for me and my kids. I had assumed that he wanted me as much as I wanted him. I didn’t think it needed to be said until the moment I realized it may be too late... to say it.

But right now... He was sitting beside me wearing, only my shirt and looking thoroughly ravished.

I did that to him...

He let me do that to him...

So... I wasn’t going to miss my chance, either. I was going to tell him that I loved him so much. However, as soon as I opened my mouth to speak, he stood up and started walking away.

That wouldn’t do !!

“Kongpob Suthiluck, get your ass over here !!”

I demanded.

“Awww.... how cute, Rojnapat...”

He replied in a childlike voice.

“You think you can tell me what to do !! Kiss my ass, Rojnapat...”

That did it for me.

“If you say so, Suthiluck...”

I lunged for him.

“What are you doing ?? It’s just an expression !!”

He yelled over his shoulder as he ran out of the room.

The combination of me knowing my house better than he did... and him still being a little sore from our passionate love making, allowed me to catch him quickly.

“I am tend to take this expression very seriously...”

I pushed him over my kitchen counter and pulled up his shirt.

He gasped, A little over-dramatically.

“Don’t. You. Dare. Rojnapat !!”

“You have a very cute ass, Kong”

I teased, running my hand over his right butt cheek.

“My ass is not cute !!”

He argued.

I gave it a little smack and smirked when he shrieked.

“From now on, I think I will call you 'Cute ass'. You call me Smartass, so it’s only fair”

While he growled at me, I bent down and gave his plump cheek a little nip.

Kong jumped.

“Hey !! I said kiss my ass, not bite it...”


I laughed, turning him around and wrapping him in my arms.

“I couldn’t help myself.”

I kissed the pout off his face.

“If you weren’t so sore, I would take you right here on this counter”

“Well, I am very sorry... I was on my way to take a warm bath to ease the soreness, but then you suddenly felt the need to manhandle me...”

He replied.

“Allow me my love...”

I swept his feet out, from under him and carried him to my bathroom. My tub was larger than the average, so it took a bit longer to fill it up.

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