Chapter 11.

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Arthit's Pov---------


Kong was a spitfire that I wanted to kiss one minute and fight with the next.


He was angelic. There were no sarcastic comments or threats of violence. His face was beautiful and peaceful as I slowly ran my fingers through his soft silky hair.


He murmured, in his sleep.

I was surprised. Was he dreaming about me ??

I knew I should have been sneaking back to my bedroom, but I couldn’t bring myself to leave him yet. I didn’t know when I would get the opportunity to do this again, to be this close to him without getting nasty glares and curse words thrown at me. so I wanted to savor this moment. However, when I heard a crash from the kitchen, I knew... it was time to go, see what our three little musketeers were up to. I was about to unlock Kong's room door but I changed my mind and jumped through the window to get back into the house. Kong would kill me if the boys caught me sneaking out of his room, early in the morning. I am glad I had enough sense to put him on the first floor.

Quietly, I made my way to the dining hall. I liked spying on my kids. I never knew what I would catch them doing. All three of them are too mischievous.

“How come you have to have only milk with cereal ??”

I heard Robby ask.

“Why not juice ?? It’s a breakfast drink as well !!”

“Mom told me the cows would get mad and stop making milk for us, but Uncle Wad said that my mumma was full of, one of those words, I am not saposed to say.”

Sammy said.

“I wonder if Dad will let us get a cow. Then we won’t have to go to the store to buy milk everyday”

Robby replied thoughtfully.

“What are you boys doing up this early ??”

I asked, making my presence known.

Both boys turned to me with their bed heads.

“Making breakfast...”

Robby grinned.

“Do you want milk or orange juice with your cocoa puffs ??”

“Milk, obviously !!”

I replied quickly.

“Can I help with anything ??”

“You can be the one to wake Mom up”

Sammy said, looking a little scared at the thought.

“He tried to tickle me to death the last time I did it...”

I laughed at his horrified expressions.

“Alright buddy, I will save you this time”

“Thanks Arthit”

Sammy grinned.

I mixed up some batter for waffles and showed them how to use the waffle machine. Really, all you had to do was press a button, so I figured they couldn’t get into too much trouble. Of course, then they decided to see how big they could make them, so I had to step in. When we got it all finished, they helped me set it up on the dining table.

“Why don’t you guys go get your sister, and let me get your Mom ??”

It feels so cozy, so homely with Kong and Sam in the house.

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