Chapter 21.

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Arthit's Pov---------

I was sitting infront of my parents, at their house. I came here, because I wanted to talk about something very important to them.

"What can we do for you son ??"

"I want to marry Kong..."

I blurted out.

"I knew you were a smart kid"

My mom replied.

"You don't think it's too soon for me to ask him for marriage ?? I don't want to mess up this time !!"

There was too much on the line. This wasn't just about me and Kong. If I lost him, I would lose Sammy too, and Robby and Sophie also would lose their Mom and brother.

Dad leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Son, time doesn't matter. It's different for different couples. If you love Kong, and you want to spend your life with him, then why wait ??"

"I am nervous... He hated Sammy's father all this while..."

I admitted.

"I want to do things right this time..."

"You will, Oon..."

My mom promised.

"Why do you have so much faith in me ??"

I asked.

"Kong means too much to you... And so does Sammy..."

She replied.

"Both of them mean too much to you. I have no doubt that you will do everything you can to make them happy, and I know Kong will do the same for you."

I nodded. I knew this, of course, but having my parents confirm it made me that much more certain. I knew what I was going to have to do, and I wasn't looking for to it.


I was going to have to visit Mr. Suthiluck.

How hard could it be to talk to your boyfriend's father ??

I was a grown ass man wanting to marry the love of my life, not some nervous teenager looking to get lucky on prom night. I was pacing back and forth in front of Kong's childhood home at, trying to bring myself to knock on the door.

Mr. Suthiluck and I had parted on good terms if I remembered correctly. Still, there was that small flicker of doubt that he wouldn't give me his blessing, that he didn't think I was good enough for his family, knowing that I left his son pregnant after a drunken night and never tried to look for him... Will he believe that I was truly unaware of my son's presence... That I completely forgot the best night of my life... Because of some drugs and a little accident !!

I hope so....

Though Kong told me that he cleared everything with his Dad and he was okay with me being Sammy's Dad. But still....

"Rojnapat !!"

A stern voice made me jump. I hadn't heard him coming outside.

"You are gonna wear a hole in my doorstep. Get your ass in here already..."

I cleared my throat nervously. Kong and his father were so much alike... and believe me, that scared me more.

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Suthiluck..."

He was already in his police uniform, that meant easy access to the gun. I knew he wouldn't kill me. I was a man with the responsibility of three kids now. However, getting shot in the leg or something didn't sound like something I wanted to experience either. I sucked it up and followed him inside, shutting the door behind me.

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