Chapter 7.

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Arthit's Pov---------

When I pulled up to Kong’s house next morning, He and his brother Wad, were standing on the front lawn with their arms folded as they kept their attention glued to the house across the street. Robby and Sophie let themselves inside, so I walked over to stand beside Kong.

“What are we watching ??”

The words were barely out of my mouth when Tanya came storming out of her house with her bedsheets in hand. She angrily threw them in a barrel and set them aflame before screaming and going back in.

“She has been at it all morning”

Kong replied.

“Apparently she doesn’t know how to use a washing machine because that itching powder will rinse out, right away”

Wad said with a sigh.

“Kinda makes you crave for a bonfire, doesn’t it ??”

Wad asked excitedly.

“I will go get the marshmallows...”

He turned around and headed inside.

Tanya came out again with an armful of clothes. She screamed again and tossed them into the barrel, making the flames rise higher.

“Do I need to know, what happened ??”

I asked.

“It was Wad’s idea !! Tanya called the cops on us, so we broke into her house and sprinkled her stuff with itching powder”

Kong explained nonchalantly.

I nodded. I knew it had to be something like that. It was scary how the things he did, were starting to make sense to me.

“My mother wants to keep the kids tonight. She and Dad wants to take them to the new gaming arcade around their house. So.... will you go out with me in the evening ??”

I asked with a drumming heart.

“Oh Shit...”

That wasn’t the reaction I had been hoping for. Kong quickly turned to me.

“Tanya is coming over !!”

That made me feel a little better.

“This is an outrage !!”

Tanya yelled as she approached. Her face was three shades of red.

“I know...”

Kong replied, sounding completely scandalized.

“I can’t believe you kissed my little brother !!”

Wad chose that moment to reappear with a bag of marshmallows and a wire hanger.

“Hey !! Hot Lips...”

“I... You...“

Tanya stuttered. Then she screamed again, stomped her feet and went back to her house.

Kong sighed.

“Wow.... I really love this neighborhood”

I couldn’t help but gape at Wad.

“You kissed Tanya ??”

He shrugged.

“You got to do what you got to do. I don’t plan on any repeat performances though. No matter what she says. I think I left her very... turned on !!”

Wad shuddered at the thought.

“You better not have turned her on, on daily basis. Otherwise, there is gonna be a lot of angry men in this town”

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