Chapter 14.

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Kongpob's Pov---------

"Uncle Wad, why are you walking funny ??"

Sammy asked as Wad practically limped into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

"I rode a horse, kiddo"

He grunted.

I nearly choked on my coffee, but managed to compose myself.

"Must have been some massive horse, brother !!"

I replied quietly.

"What did you say ??"

Wad asked, eyeing me carefully.

"Nothing, My brother dear...."

I smiled and turned towards the kids.

"Come on guys. We have got to go buy you some school supplies."

Both Robby and Sammy groaned.

"Don't give me that boys. At least Jenny made sure you both would be in the same class."

In Jenny's words... 'Having connections with the school principal came in handy.'

Robby took his plate to the sink.

"I hope we never have to visit the principal office. She is a little scary."

Sammy gulped, looking a little shaken.

"What about you, Miss Sophie ??"

I asked, wiping the sauce off her face.

"Are you ready for preschool ??"

She wrinkled her nose and shook her head.

"Can I stay home with you ??"

I smiled and rubbed our noses together.

"Why don't you try it out for a few days princess ?? You will make lots of friends there."

"What if I don't ??"

She asked.

"Then I will kidnap you, trust me !!"

I promised. That seemed to appease her, so she joined the boys and headed for the garage.

Before I was out of the house, Wad shouted,

"Hey Kong !! Pick up some mouse traps, will you ??"

I laughed quietly as I hurried to my car.

I don't think any of the kids were thrilled about shopping for school supplies. Sammy was walking on one side of me, Robby on the other, and Sophie was sitting in the shopping cart. I was glaring at the list in my hand.

"Why the hel... Hello kitty, do you need four boxes of tissue each ??"

I was getting better at converting the curse words, in the kids company. That's saving me a lot of money.

"The sniffles ??"

Sophie suggested.

I shrugged and threw the tissues in the cart. Arrhit was probably going to fuss that I was buying all of their stuff, but I planned to send Sammy with him and Robby to pick out school clothes in order to make up for it.

Sammy took his time picking out the perfect backpack.

"This is making me depressed."

I rolled my eyes at my son's dramatic behaviour.

"Maybe we should get some pizza after shopping."

He perked up instantly.

"The sooner you pick a bag, the sooner we can go"

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