Chapter 20.

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Kongpob's Pov---------

I never thought I would be this relaxed and lighthearted, after meeting Sammy's father.

Not even in my wildest fantasy, I could have thought that Arthit would be my Son's biological Dad.

Is this really true... ?? 

Arthit was the one I lost my virginity to... I wished for that same thing, few days ago, without knowing that it was the reality.

Right now... I was chasing Arthit, around Prem's house. Not because I really wanted to kick his ass... but because I feel so free and Euphoric.

Euphoric... to have him as the love of my life and Free of my guilt, for not being able to let my child have his father's name... Along with his love and protection.

But now, Sammy will have everything.

Arthit has always been my destiny.

Suddenly I heard a loud crash downstairs.

“Shit !!”

My eyes widened and I started to rush back down, but they were already coming up.

“I am gonna take him down to the station and charge him for trespassing. Please lock the door when you guys leave”

Prem said. He had an unconscious Felix thrown over his shoulder.

Wad was watching them while rubbing his right fist into his left one. Flexing a wide smile on his face, he looked at me.

“I better get to work, see you later big brother”

He gave me a side hug before heading to his bike.

Knott and Bright were next...

"Please trust us Kong... We didn't have any idea that Arthit was with someone that night... Otherwise we would have tried to search for you !!"

Knott looked genuinely apologetic.

"It's okay Knott... We can't change the past. I am just relieved that it wasn't Krist, things would have turned awkward... between me and Arthit, if that would have been the case"

Knott nodded his head.

"I knew that something must have happened that night... I told you so Knott, when we found Arthit... Unconscious and Almost Naked in the room !! But no one takes my words seriously, hashhhh.... "

Bright said, throwing his hands in the air frustratingly.

"Did you forgot Bright, that both of the Rojnapat brother's has the habit of sleeping only in their boxers... So it wasn't very surprising for us to find him almost naked, that night... !! "

Knott replied with a huff.

Jenny and Noor laughed at Bright's sulking expression.

Jenny walked forward.

"I am really happy to welcome you in the family Kong... I felt the connection with you and Sammy, since the start and now I know... Why !! "

Jenny said with a beautiful smile.

"Thanks Jenny... Now, I too believe that it was Fate... From the start "

I replied.


Noor smiled.

“I accepted you and Sammy as one of our family members way back... but still, it feels really nice to know that we are much more closely connected than we have thought."

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