Chapter 5.

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Arthit's Pov---------

City Club Football, tryouts were always a big event in my life. Knott, Bright, Krist and Me, all played together when we were kids. Now we have Rojnapat Constructions to sponsor a team. Knott was the head coach, but he always managed to rope Bright and Me into helping out one way or another. Noor and Jenny always designed the uniforms while My Dad and Mom provided snacks for games and practices.

As soon as Robby was big enough, he joined the league and became as big a fanatic as any of us. Krist would have been so proud of him if he was still here. I was proud of my son too and I didn’t think it could get any better. But...

I was wrong.

I watched as Kong walked over to Knott with Sophie riding on his back.

“Excuse me, big guy.”

Knott turned around with his favorite broad cheeky grin.

“Yes Mr. Suthiluck ??”

“I am new to this whole Sports crazy parents thing, but that kid rammed into my son. Now since his lovley parents cheered like some banshees, is it alright if I tackle them to keep things even ??”

Kong asked casually.

“Hell yeah... go on Kong”

Bright replied instead of Knott.

Kong nodded happily.

“Hold your niece for a second...”

Kong dropped Sophie in Bright's arms and turned around.

Ohhh Noooo....

I ran behind him to stop him, but Bright grabbed my shoulder.

“Dude ?! He’s gonna tackle that Jane the Pain !! If you make a move to stop it, I will kick your ass.”

It wasn’t that I didn’t think Kong could handle himself. I know he is headstrong, I just had this irrational need to protect him. That Jane was our classmate along with her stupid husband and they were really douchebags.

“You said a bad word uncle bright...”

Sophie said with her hand spread out.

“You owe her a coin as a penalty for saying a bad word”

I told Bright. He looked at me like I was an alien.

“Blame Suthiluck. He gives them a coin every time he lets one slip. Now they expect it from everybody”

I shrugged.

“Well, Sophie... here’s a twenty bhat for the day,”

Bright replied, pulling the bill out of his pocket.

She kissed his cheek.

“Thank you Uncle Bright”

We both watched as Kong walked casually across the field. Jane was standing with her stupid of a husband, on the sidelines cheering every time that devil of a child of their's rammed into one of the smaller boys. She was even malicious enough to laugh if one of the poor kids cried. I felt myself grinning with anticipation.... Suddenly Kong sprinted towards them, slamming into both of them with such a force all three of them hit the ground.

Than Kong got up.

“Cheer about that, Crazy people !!”

I am sure he would have gotten more cheers if everyone hadn’t been in shock. Well everyone except for Bright.

“Yay !! That’s what I was talking about, buddy !!”

A few of the others chimed in then, including me. When Kong realized everyone was staring at him, a beautiful blush spread across his little chubby cheeks and he slipped away from the crowd.

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