Chapter 22.

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#######Nine years later ########

Arthit's Pov---------

“Cute ass !!”

I shouted when I walked in the house. I tossed my keys on the table and took off my tie.

The love of my life walked into the room with a baseball bat in his hand.

“You are home...”

Since his Mistress K days, Kong had become successful with a young adult book series. Since there had been plenty of interesting drama in his life, he had a lot of inspiration.

“Happy birthday my love”

I smiled and pulled him to me, for a kiss. The feel of his lips on mine never got old.

"Thanks honey..."

Kong replied, almost purring into the kiss.

“Now tell me, what the hell are you doing with that baseball bat ??”

“Mishi's pet creature got loose. I am taking care of it before She gets home from school,”

Kong answered.

Mishi was our eight year old darling daughter, born just after 10 months of our marriage. She was a little on the mischievous side, but overall she gave us the least amount of trouble than her older siblings. Aim got her an iguana for her last birthday, knowing that Kong couldn’t stand the oversized lizards.

“Baby, that’s inhumane to scare a pet with a baseball bat !!”

I replied.

He shook his head.

“I would think so too... if that damn thing hadn’t been in the shower with me this morning. I am glad the kids weren’t home. I practically streaked through the house... Naked !!”

I pouted.

“I am so sorry.... I missed it”

“Always a smartass...”

Kong smiled.

“Are you going to help me or not ??”

He asked.

“I will catch it for you my darling husband”

I told him, bringing his hand to my lips to place a soft kiss on his knuckles.

“Thank you, My Hubby dearest...”

Kong replied. When we first got married, he liked to do most things for himself. Somehow I finally convinced him that I wanted to do things for him because I loved him, not because I thought he couldn’t do them for himself.

I searched in every room for the reptile, starting with Sophie’s. She was now a beautiful thirteen year old who played for the junior high soccer girls team. For my last birthday, Dad Suthiluck bought me a gun in case I needed to keep some teenager boys away.

There was no sign of the iguana in her room or any of the boys, Sammy and Robby were both in final year of their school. They still played football and were practically heroes in Sophie and Mishy’s eyes. They were the best big brothers any girl could ask for.

I went into Mishi’s room. She was our youngest kid. When she was born, our three little musketeers were jumping and shouting like crazy... Because they wanted to even the teams, with two brothers and two sisters.

Mishi... Looking at her, you would assume she was an angel because of her looks but... in reality, she was exactly like her mother.

“There you are...”

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