Chapter 4.

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Kongpob’s Pov---------

“Run faster !!”

Sammy shouted.

I love my son, but I was ready to kill him right now..... Why ?? Because, Thanks to him, I was out of bed before noon for a morning jog around the block of all things. Officer Prem was running beside me with a rope tied around his waist. Holding on to the other end of this rope was my son in his roller skates.

“Come on Kong !! Don't sulk anymore...”

Prem said, sensing the impending murder of my child.

“Think of this as practice in case you ever need to run from the cops”

Could no one let that go ??

“I hate all of you people...”

I shouted and He laughed,

“Now I know that’s not true. I have already heard all about you and a certain Rojnapat...”

I tripped on my steps.

“Whoa... Easy there Tiger !!”

Prem caught my arm and kept on running.

“Falling for him already, are you ??”

No he didn't say that.... Was I that obvious ??

"I am not falling for Arthit Rojnapat. It just so happens that I enjoy being mean to him, and he takes it well”

“Keep telling yourself that Suthiluck...”

I wanted to knock him down, into the ruff street, but he is a cop. I would probably end up in a jail cell instead.

“Faster !!”

Sammy shouted again. Prem didn’t seem to mind, but I was about to kill over. Nevertheless, I found myself running faster beside him. The things you do for your kids

By the time we made it back to our houses, I was ready to collapse. I bent over and put my hands on my knees. I was panting and about to fall over when I heard a familiar voice.

“Hey Kong !!”

I looked up to see Robby running towards me.

“Hey kid. What are you doing here ??”

I asked once I caught my breath.

He wrinkled his nose.

“Me and Sophie are at Tanya’s house. She’s our babysitter today.”


“Hey Robby !!”

Sammy skated over to us.

“You should come to my house. Mom bought me a new skating helmet, so I am going to practice running into things with it to make sure it works well”

I should have put a stop to his plans then and there, but I was too distracted. What the hell was Arthit thinking leaving his kids with that woman ?? I warned him that I would kidnap them again if I find it necessary.

Well… right now it seemed necessary.

“Prem, will you stay here with Sammy for a minute ?? I will be right back.”

Prem finished gulping down a bottle of water.


He tugged the rope, pulling my laughing kid back to him.

“Come on Robby...”

I took his hand and headed over to Tanya’s. When we got there, Tanya was trying to paint Sophie’s small fingernails, but the little girl wasn’t cooperating.

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