Chapter 13.

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Arthit's Pov---------

The constant ringing of the doorbell got me out of bed. I tried not to bump into anything as I went to see what cruel person was waking me up so damn early. When I opened the door, I had to blink a few times to make sure my eyes were not playing tricks on me.

“It’s about time to rise and shine, You sleepy hunk !!”

Jenny said, as she walked right past me into the house and up the stairs, without any other words.

“Good Morning Arthit !!”

I looked down and there was... Sammy.

Maybe I was still asleep, because why would HE.... be with Jenny  ??

“Hey buddy, Good Morning...”

I replied groggily.

“She woke me up too...”

He said, sympathetically.

I grabbed his shoulder and guided him inside.

“You want something to eat or drink ??”

I asked.

“No, thank you...”

He answered.

I dropped down on the couch and he sat down beside me. If I had been more awake, I probably would have wondered where Jenny had gotten off to. I noticed that Sammy was yawning, so I pulled him over, where he could lean on my side and we both dozed off.

I am not sure how long we had been there when Jenny returned.

“Get up sleepyheads...”

She said cheerfully.

Both Sammy and I groaned, and I saw that Robby and Sophie were showered and nicely dressed by her side.

“Is there any particular reason you are going around waking up the poor little kids ??”

“They are coming with me, to meet Noor with Leo and Matt. Grand parents Day is coming up, so we are having a portrait made of all the grandchildren, for Rachel and Roger”

She explained.

“We would have asked Kong to bring Sammy, but I figured since he would be home alone all day, maybe you would like to keep him company.”

She winked at me.

“Come on, kiddos, let's get going. Have a good day, Arthit !!”

Kong was home...... Alone !!

I needed to get over there. I grabbed my keys and started for the door. Then I realized… I needed to get showered and dressed properly. Huffing at my own stupidity, I went back to my room to get ready.

When I finally made it to Kong’s house, I didn’t bother knocking. Knowing him, He would probably just get irritated that I made him get out of bed to come open the door. I walked quietly through the house to his bedroom where I found him sprawled out across the bed. The plush donkey was lying near, one of his arms. I pulled out my phone and wallet to put them on the side table then I quickly kicked off my shoes and climbed in, next to Kong, pulling him carefully into my arms. I buried my face in his hair and breathed in the scent of melting chocolate.

“If that’s you Wad ?? Please leave me alone...”

He mumbled.

I laughed quietly.

“Do I feel like Wad to you ??”

Kong turned over in my arms, his eyes cracked open.

“Thank God, it's not my little brother in my bed !!”

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