Chapter 10.

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Kongpob's Pov---------

"To have a Dad..."

Those four little words broke my heart. I wanted Sammy to have everything. He was my life and I never wanted him to be unhappy. Being raised only by my Dad, I knew what it was like to miss a parent. However, I had something Sammy didn't !! I had the option, I could have gone and lived with Mom and My stepdad if I wanted, but they had Wad, and Dad needed me. Sammy would never have that choice. He would never even know his father's name. That was something I could not fix, and it made me feel pretty damn helpless.

"Holy shit !!"

I jumped at the sound of Wad's voice.

I whipped around to see him staring at the window with a pair of binoculars.

"Wad !! What the hell are you doing ??"

He didn't look away.

"Your neighbors are going at it like bunnies with the blinds open"

He gasped.

"Hey.... Mike is spanking her !!"

Then he huffed and turned to me.

"You shouldn't have sent me to those neighbors ??

I snatched the binoculars away from him.

"You are a complete perv..."

"Come on, Kong"

He whined.

"I have got a job. I am about to start college again. I don't drink nor I am being involved in fights anymore. I am turning into a respectable young man, and it's making me sick."

"Awww... Wad"

I put my hand on his shoulder as a comforting gesture.

"You are definitely not a respectable young man."

I really did try not to smile.

He shoved my arm playfully.

"Thanks brother. You always know what to say to make me feel better."

Then he surprised me by wrapping his arms around me.

"Whatever you were thinking about earlier, with that serious face of yours...let it go. You are the strongest man I have ever met in my life"

He said sincerely. I hugged him back. Who knew the little pervert could be so sweet ??


He pulled back.

"I have got to leave early. I am gonna send Tanya some flowers to screw with her head."

There was the Wad I knew.

"Have a good day, bro..."

I called after him. As Wad was pulling out his bike, Arthit was driving up. I smiled as Robby ran towards me.

"Good morning, Kong. Is Sammy up yet ??"

He asked.

I shook my head.

"He is still asleep. Why don't you go pounce on him and see if you can wake him up ??"

He grinned deviously and ran into the house and up the stairs.

Arthit walked towards me with Sophie in his arms.

"Morning, Kong"

He smiled, causing Sophie to look up. She reached out her arms, so I took her, letting her snuggle into me before going back to sleep again.

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