Chapter 18.

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Kongpob's Pov---------

I thought, I was ready for this.

I was ready to know who was the biological father of my child. I was ready to find out why he abandoned me and his unborn child all those years ago. I was ready for the closure, I was ready to move on, and I was ready to kick his ass.

Noor was waiting, outside my house when we pulled up to the driveway.

Arthit was parking the car while I walked up to her.

“I set up the interrogation room in Prem’s basement because it was dark and soundproof. I would have used yours, but there wasn’t any space. A ball pit ?? Really Kong ??”

She said with a teasing smile.

“I will let you play in it later, okay”

I promised.

“Thank you...”

She smiled.

“So... The next family dinner will be at your house.”

She said and then motioned towards Prem’s house.

“Ready to meet your baby's daddy ??”

Of course I was.


Okay, maybe I wasn’t.

Arthit stepped beside me and took my hand to squeezed it lightly. The dimple on his cheek, made me forget the shity situation for a second

“At least he is not bad looking, Sammy has got good gens.”

Noor said it, in an effort to make me feel better and It did made me smile, but... had the opposite effect on Arthit. He looked slightly panicked.

“Of course he is no where near as gorgeous and handsome as our Arthit...”

She added to humor him.

And this time, I squeezed his hand to show him that it was okay.

"No one can make me change my mind about you Arthit... I have given myself to you and I will stay as yours for the rest of my life."

He smiled so beautifully at me that I felt like I could face anything in this world, if this man is standing right beside me.

The anticipation was killing me. We followed Noor into Prem's house and down to the basement. The room was almost completely dark with only a single lamp hanging over a table. They were taking this interrogation business to the extreme.

I looked around, where the culprit was gagged and bounded to a chair. Knott, Bright, Jenny and Prem all were crowding the chair he was bound to.

But as soon as I laid my eyes on him... I was speechless... Staring back at me was a face I hadn’t seen in almost seven years.

I still couldn't believe my eyes. Not in million years I could have thought... it would be HIM

Wad stood beside him, slapping a steel baseball bat against his hand.

“We caught this bad boy creeping around outside your house, brother. He wasn’t so tough when I drop-kicked his ass.”

Wad buffed his fingers on his t shirt. 

I didn't replied to my brother. I was just looking into those deep blue eyes...

“Felix !!”

I growled.

“What the hell ?? We both were friends in college. I was always good to you. How could you do that to me ?? ”

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