Chapter 15.

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Arthit's Pov---------

It had been without a doubt the most memorable camping trip ever. Bright could not believe that his lake monster story had been brought to life, but even though he had been scared shitless... He now thought it was awesome. I was glad that I didn't have to go a night without getting my goodnight kiss from Kong. I sneaked one last night too, without kids noticing us.


"I like peeing in the woods"

Sammy admitted.

"Me too !?"

Robby replied.

"I almost hit that squirrel !!"

I laughed and shook my head. Boys will be boys. It was very early in the morning, but everyone was already awake. Sleeping in a tent may be fun, but it was nowhere near as comfortable as our beds. We were all a little stiff.

"I made breakfast !!"

Knott announced, pointing to a tray of cookies. Normally I wouldn't let the kids, eat something so unhealthy for breakfast, but it was a special occasion.

"What's the matter Bright ??"

I asked as he came out of the tent with his hands on his lower back.

"My bed was a bit lumpy. Who's idea was it, to camp it out here without the air mattresses ??"

He asked.

Knott looked guilty.

"That would be me. In my defense, I didn't really didn't do it intentionally. I forgot them at home. My son doesn't believe in sleeping at night, so I have been a little out of it."

"I have no sympathy for you. You teased me a lot last year when Matt was Leo's age. It's payback time my friend..."

Bright said.

I remembered Krist was the one always getting up with Robby and Sophie when they were that little. Sherry always refused, claiming she did her part in the delivery room. Krist video called me mostly at night, while playing with his kids. I didn't mind it though because our different time zones made it easy for us. I loved every minute spent with my brother and his little ones through those video calls. I still remember Krist put Robby's diaper on backwards once or twice.

Sammy brought me a cookie and sat down beside me.

"I think I am a Momma's boy,"

He admitted.

"Thank you for the cookie buddy"

I told him, taking the treat.

"Now why do you think that ??"

He shrugged.

"I kinda miss him..."

I smiled down at him.

"There's nothing wrong with being a Momma's boy, and I kinda miss him too."

"I am really having fun with you all here though,"

He told me quickly. I guess he didn't want me to think otherwise just because he missed Kong.

"Thanks for letting me come..."

"It wouldn't have been the same without you Sammy"

I told him.

There were things we needed to do at home, so once everyone finished their cookies, we packed up the camp and headed to my house. My mom and Noor were the only ones in the kitchen. Noor was cradling Leo in her arms. Knott immediately wrapped his arms around them,

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