Chapter 19.

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#########- Flashback- #########

New Year's Party - 2015 ---

Author's Pov---------

It was a New year's Eve and Arthit was throwing a bachelor's party for his twin brother, Krist Rojnapat. Who was getting married with his girlfriend Sherry, next week.

Arthit came back to his homeland from States, to attend his brother's wedding. He met Krist's girlfriend, soon to be wife and... You can say, he was not happy with his choice for a Life partner. But He knew very well why his brother was marrying her.

Arthit and Krist, shared a very close brotherly bond since their early childhood... they were more of each other's best friends than brothers. That's why, Arthit knows that his brother wasn't overly happy or excited about his marriage.

Krist has always been the most outgoing and spontaneous type of person. It didn't surprised anyone when he told his friends and family that he has committed a grave mistake to get involved in a drunkard sex night with his girlfriend and gotten her pregnant in the process.

Mr. and Mrs. Rojnapat were really upset and somewhat disappointed with their son's irresponsible behaviour. But Arthit knows that his brother might be a Playboy who fools around a lot, but he wasn't a bad guy or someone who tries to run away from his responsibilities... So when Krist has decided to make things right, by taking responsibility of his unborn child and for that... He was going to marry his pregnant girlfriend, even though she was not his best choice for a life partner.

Arthit supported him... without any questions. And their parents agreed too because of the Rojnapat's next generation heir.

Krist told him that he never liked sherry that much. He never wanted to even date her in the first place... It was Sherry, who asked him out... infront of the whole cafeteria at their college. Krist doesn't want to be rude and humiliate a girl by turning her down infront of so many people. So... for the sake of her dignity, He said yes...

And now that decision... turned out to be his biggest mistake... Along with getting drunk at her apartment on her birthday night and later sleeping with her.

But what's done is done...

He couldn't change it. He has no other option but to accept his fate.

To distract Krist from all the chaos going around him... Arthit decided to surprise him with this bachelor party. Krist was going to Phuket... For attending the opening ceremony of the biggest night club there, which he has designed himself and also he was the fifty percent partner of that Night Club.

Arthit asked their friends to join them for the surprise party at the same club. And ofcourse their friends were there, before the night falls, though Prem couldn't join them as his mother was sick and been hospitalized the very same day.

Krist was glad to have his brother and friends with him to celebrate his achievement and the New Year, together. They were enjoying the party at the fullest, surrounded with all the laughter, drinks, music and dancing. The party was a blast, thousands of youngsters were enjoying the night. Everyone was wearing a mask on their faces, provide by the Club staff.

Those Mask's were hiding almost half of their faces and it was getting really difficult for Knott and Bright, to differentiate between the twin brothers. Arthit and Krist were taking full advantage of this amusing situation... Driving their friends crazy by behaving like one another.

Bright challenged one of them... to take a love shot with the first person who comes to the bar area, to order a drink. Just to identify the brothers duo. Because he was certain that Arthit would never do such a thing but Krist... he would jump right in.

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