Chapter 12.

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Kongpob's Pov---------

Dad took the kids out. He claimed it was his duty as a grandfather to buy the children something to bug their parents with, before he left for Bangkok. He reasoned that it was only fair to claim Robby and Sophie as his grandchildren if Arthit was going to call Sammy his son. It was an odd situation we had gotten into, and it all started because I was crazy enough to kidnap someone's kids. Who knew things will turn out like that ??

Shredder and I were walking around the neighborhood when Prem jogged over to catch me.

"Kong, can I talk to you ??"

I nodded.

"Sure. What's up ??"

"It's about that devil living in your house"

He explained.

I knew this was going to be an interesting conversation, so I invited him inside for a drink.

"What did he do now ??"

I asked, handing him a glass of iced tea.

"Kong, I need you, to get him to stay away from me."

He was so serious, it was scary.

"I can't take it anymore, and if he keeps getting me riled up, I can't be held responsible for my actions."

He looked so stressed.

"You are my favorite neighbor. I don't want to end up doing something that will make you hate me, but he just..."

He trailed off.

"Prem, what are you talking about ??"

I was missing something.

He was quiet for a moment before deciding to lay it all out there.

"I am going to fuck the shit out of him !!"

That was the precise moment when my jaw hit the table.

"Come again ??"

"I am sorry for being so blunt, Kong"

Prem rambled.

"It's just... every time I get him in those cuffs and he teases me for something... I just... I want to bend him over the hood of my car and-"

"Okay... I got it !!"

I said, frantic to stop him.

He let out a quick breath.


"What exactly do you want me to do with this information, Prem ??"

I was trying to take this seriously. The poor guy was about to have a breakdown, but something about it was so damn funny to me.

He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I don't know. I have never had this kind of problem before."

That was understandable, I guess.


I had to come up with something.

"Look, Was is my little brother. No matter how much I try to deny it, there are DNA tests that prove it, but you are one of my best friends. Quite honestly, I am more worried about you than I am about him."

I grabbed his broad shoulders and gave him a little shake.

"Pull yourself together, man. If Wad discovers your weakness, he's gonna torture you to no end."

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