Chapter Thirty-Five

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Hate. It's a strong word. Can you really hate something so much you feel anger just by hearing it's name? Some people say no and some people say yes. Maybe someone drunk will tell you a long lecture about how you can never hate something. Well I'm here to tell that drunk person that you actually can hate something so much.

I hate school.

Now maybe many teenagers say this, but not truly mean it. I mean you may dislike school but not hate it. I do, everytime I wake up my whole mood is angered by the fact I woke up for school. I hate that I have to get ready for school, spend money on school, spend 8 hours of my day, 5 days a week, for 9 months going to school for 12 years. Not including kindergarten of course.

So when I woke up this ugly Monday morning I was surprised I wasn't bothered, actually I wanted to get up, I wanted to get ready, and look good. And I'll admit it scared the shit out of me, but I knew exactly why I wanted to. Aaron. Last night I fell asleep with a smile and woke up with one too. And now I lay in bed staring at the ceiling imagining how today with him will go and I knew I was in it deep and I didn't know what to do about it.

Sense Adam, who is still in town, I haven't truly liked another guy. I was broken, didn't want to end up like the way I end up with Adam, so I never let myself like a guy. And this time I didn't either, I don't know how or when but I started growing feelings for Aaron and maybe it was even before the accident and that couldn't be forgotten like my other memories. Which scared me even more.

Pushing all my thoughts to the back of my head I got up and got ready for school. Because of the accident my bike is in desperate need of repair, so I had to settle with walking to school for possibly the rest of the school year.

"Morning mom," I said as I walked to the kitchen.

"Morning honey, there's a cookie over there, and hurry Aaron has been waiting outside for five minutes?" mom said as she got her thing for work.

"Aaron?" I asked confused.

"He didn't tell you? Silly boy sense we don't want you walking to school Aaron offered to take you, now hurry," she kissed my cheek and headed to her room probably getting more things for work.

I quickly grab my cookie and headed out the door after yelling goodbye to my mom, I saw Aaron on a car in the street.

"You take forever," he said after I got inside.

"Well if I knew you were going to pick me up I would have gotten ready more quickly," I answered.

"Shouldn't you should have gotten quickly either way sense walking to school takes a long time?" I stared at the window thinking about it for a while.

"Yeah but I don't really care if I'm late to school or not," I said taking a bite of my cookie making him chuckle and shake his head.

We entered school shortly after and headed to class, people turn and stare at us and I knew gossip was going to start soon but at this point I didn't care. I saw John waiting for me as usual in my locker, he frown when he saw Aaron behind me but then smiled at both of us. We all talk for a while until the minute bell rang.

"John can you stay for a while, Amanda you should head to class," I was surprised by what Aaron just said.

"What? Why? I want to stay to," I whined.

"Babe, you miss a whole lot go to class and I'll see you later," John answered, I frown but turned around anyways.

What could Aaron want with John? He clearly didn't want me there, I mean he wouldn't care if I missed another class so he clearly was hiding something from me.

And my mind filled with negative thoughts and I was like this for the rest of the day till lunch where I didn't see John or Aaron or Cameron. I was sitting alone either an apple really annoyed now they even ditch me. But then I saw John heading my way but just him alone.

"Hey I need your help," he said. I looked at him with no expression.

"You left me alone and now you expect me to help?" I asked, I may sound like a brat but I wanted him to know I was annoyed they were hiding something from me.

"Please Amanda, come with me," he said doing puppy eyes and I couldn't say no so I got up and follow him and threw away my apple on the way out.

I didn't know where he was taking me or what he needed me to do but he finally stopped outside a classroom. It was close and dark and it made me very confused.

"What do you need here?" I asked him.

"Stupid teacher took my phone and I want it back," he answered.

"So, get it back," I said still confused.

"Amanda, you know I'm scared of getting caught can you pretty please go in and get it for me?" he asked, I sigh and nodded. "Turn on the lights when you get inside, to see better of course."

I opened the door and felt the wall to look for the light switch when I finally found it I turn it on and gasp at the sight in front of me.

Aaron stood with a bouquet of roses on his hand, Cameron on the side holding a poster with the words Prom? I turned to look at John who was smirking holding his phone recording.

Tricky bastards.

"Amanda will you do me the honor of being my date to Prom," Aaron asked smiling very confident like if he knew my answer already.


Showty's note: Hey so I'm here and it's Sunday and I have been so sick lately that I only went to school on Friday but I have been in bed so I couldn't write on my computer. But I realize that I started this story only thinking of the plot and once I wrote that I had no idea where I was going but as I kept on writing ideas popped in my head and I now know where this is heading.

So I very much hope you like this chapter like I do and so very thank you for every vote and comment you have no idea how happy it makes me that so many people like this story although I still don't understand why.


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