Chapter Eleven

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Aaron and I stared at each other, we were pretty much the only ones in Ronny's making things more awkward. Not to mention the only thing in my mind was the kiss we shared in the river not so long ago.

"So you used to live in Dallas?" I finally asked. I don't know where it came from but it seemed like a perfect conversation starter.

"Yeah," he nodded. "We moved because my parents got divorce," he added taking a drink of whatever he was drinking.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I know what it's like to live with one parent,"  I said understanding him. He only nodded and I felt even more awkward, maybe I should head over the alley now? He did say he wanted to go home. I don't know why but I didn't stand and said bye, I just stayed seated and stared at Aaron. Finally a question I wanted to ask him found it's way out my mouth. "Did we know each other?" I asked.

Aaron finally looked up at me, his brown eyes hold an emotion I cannot describe. A hint of hurt filled his eyes and that scared me, he stayed silent like if he was thinking what to tell me. "No," he finally said. "We didn't."

I looked down, I kind of hoped we did, I could have asked him more questions. Questions no one has answered me. "I think I should head over the alley now," I said getting off the booth.

"Amanda," his voice stopped me, I looked at him and he sigh. "About the kiss... I'm sorry, it was a mistake and it's making things awkward. You're Cameron's friend and I'm his friend, so maybe we can try and be friends?" he asked me. I have him a smile and nodded. He sighed again but this time in relief.

"Want to practice with me?" I asked. "I mean you don't have to, you and I both know I'm winning." I smirked at him. He faked gasp and got up and stood before me. He was way to tall it felt like I was looking up the statue of liberty.

"Really? May I remind you that you're talking to the guy who won second place in real races for the past two years," he said.

"Well sorry to break your bubble, but that record is so going down the drain this year." Down the drain, really Amanda?

"We'll see about that," he whispered leaning closer.

"We will," my smirk grew wider as I turned around and walk away.


"What? How is that possible," Aaron groan as he took off his helmet.

We've been racing pretty much all day and I won this time by a whole minute. I can't wait to tell Cameron when he comes, which will be soon sense it's almost time school is over.

"Ha!" I laughed at Aaron who looked so confused. "You owe me ice cream," I said reminding him of out bet.

Aaron still looked confused as he was trying to recover of how he lost. Which made me laugh even more. After a moment he finally spoke, "I let you win."

"Sure you did," I laughed.

"I did!" he argued.

"Oh stop being such a wuss, you lost, live with it," this time he laughed and said he was going to get us drinks and I nodded.

He came back holding two cups with beer on it, he looked scared as if he saw something that was going to scar him for life, "Look over the bar very slowly," he whispered handing me a cup. I did as he said and gasp at who I saw, The Ray sitting down smoking a cigarette and drinking something. He looked the same as he did last year but what was he doing here, "What is he doing here?" I asked Aaron. "The race isn't until another month," I added.

"I have no idea," he answered. "Maybe he's here to look at his competition, who is by the way us."

Let me tell you a little about The Ray, he is a member is a dangerous gang and he's the only one who races, the only thing about him that he appears about a week before the race and leaves right after he gets his reward, he never and I mean never shows up or stays longer than that. So a lot of questions is running through my head of why was he here a month before the race.

"Hey guys," Cameron voice brought me back to reality. Cameron wore a frown as he stared at Aaron, "I thought you were going home," he said.

"I was, but Amanda invited me to come and help her practice," he smirked like if he won a battle.

"I won him by a whole minute."

"Hey! I let her win."

Cameron still was wearing a frown as he stared at me and Aaron. "And The Ray is in the bar," I whispered. Cameron looked over the bar and saw The Ray still smoking and drinking.

"How about we ignore his presence and go practice some more?" Aaron asked. I nodded and looked over Cameron who also nodded. We put on out helmets and drove away.

Cameron was laughing as we saw Aaron' face after I won him again. Cameron's phone started ringing. "Hello?" he answered. "Oh.. sure.." he ended the call and looked at me. "I have to go, my mom needs my help on something."

"Sure, see you tomorrow." I said remembering we have school tomorrow. He nodded and waved at Aaron and left.

"What's going on between you and Cameron?" Aaron asked me.

"What do you mean? We're friends," I said with a shrug. Aaron looked at me like he didn't believe me but didn't comment on it. A phone started ringing and this time it was mine, the collar ID was unknown but I answered it anyways. "Hello?" I answered.

"Amanda?" a male voice said. It sounded a little familiar. "It's me.. Adam." I froze, my eyes wide as I quickly hung up.

"Are you okay?" Aaron asked me and I nodded.

"I, uh, have to go." I said as I turned around.

"Amanda," an hand hold my arm. I saw Aaron looking as if was going to make the biggest mistake. "We did," was all he said before he let my arm go and left. I stood there confused before I slowly understood.

He answered my question. We did know each other in Dallas.


Showty's note: Another short chapter but two chapters in two days is a record for me. I actually like this chapter and I'm not sure if you count the end as a cliff hanger. I honestly didn't know where I was going with this chapter but I'm happy with it.

Hope you all like it and more than 1.4k reads! Yay! That inspires me to write more. Now I guess because of this chapter the end will come sooner than I planned but that's okay. You'll see why.

I have no idea what to do next chapter but I will start writing soon. Thanks to all. Oh and I usually read over my work but this time I didn't so sorry for any mistakes.


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