Chapter Thirty

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Amanda's POV

I played with my fingers as I was waiting for the next person come in. Aaron has shortly left and he didn't tell me who was next or if anyone was next. I heard a knock when I looked up and saw Cameron. Oh yeah apparently I spilled beer on his shirt. He awkwardly walked over to me and sat in the chair.

"Hey," he said. I smiled and returned a hi. We still didn't say anything, just an awkward silence. A really awkward silence.

"Sorry," I randomly said. He looked at me and raised his eyebrow clearly asking me what for. "Spilling beer on your shirt," I said and he laughed. "It was probably a nice shirt."

"Why can't you just forget about that?" He made a joke of my memory lost. But I wasn't offended I laughed.

And that's how it went, him making jokes me laughing I was comfortable with Cameron already and he made a nice friend.

"School is right around the corner and I have no idea what to do," I told him honestly. "What do you want to do?" I asked him.

He took a deep breath. "Don't tell anyone this but I actually already got accepted to college, I'm gonna study to become a doctor."

Cameron did not come to me as a want to be a doctor type of guy. I always seen him in the alley drinking and on his bike, skipping school and getting detentions. And he got accepted to a college and will become a doctor.

"That's amazing," I said smiling giving him a hug. I may have not remember Cameron but in the short period of time we just spent he is close to me and I am very proud to have him as a friend.

"I should go, someone else is waiting to come in," Cameron said pulling away.

"Really who?" I asked wondering. My only friend was John and I made two more Aaron and Cameron, so who could it be.

"He's um, you'll find out." He said, I smiled and waved.

Shortly after the door opened and I was gasped at who was at the door. "Adam?" I asked.

"Amanda," he said still standing by the door.

"What are you doing here?" it came out mean and honestly I didn't mean to come out that way but I wasn't going to apologize either. Seeing your ex who cheated on you doesn't really make you the happiest girl in the world.

"Amanda, I know you may be mad but can we please forget that for five minutes," he said finally coming closer. I stood frozen staring at him, he slowly got even closer and gave me a hug. "I just missed you so much," he whispered.

I sat frozen not knowing what to do I didn't hug him back but I didn't push him away either. He pulled away and told me I looked good but still keeping a blank look on my face I said nothing.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. He sign and sat down on the chair and I wanted so badly to tell him to get up and leave, that I didn't want to see him.

"I got a call, that you were in an accident and I got on a plane."

I hated how I felt a tight feeling in my stomach feeling like he actually cared. But if he did he wouldn't have cheated. I wasn't going to be fooled twice.

"I think you should go," I said not looking at him.

"Amanda please," he started sounding desperate for me to hear him out.

"Please Adam I need to be alone," with that said he nodded and got up and slowly walked out the room before he left he stopped and turned to look at me.

"You still look amazing," and he walked out.

I let out a groan and rested my head.

I didn't want him back I never wanted to see him again. He was good at making people think he's so amazing he almost fooled me again which his sorry act but that's what it was an act. I knew Adam he may say sorry a million times but not once will be mean it.


Finally after two days I got out of the hospital, my mom was helping me walk to the wheel chair and sat me down. I was happy to go back home the hospital was very depressing and I miss my bed. My roomed was filled with presents mostly flowers with cards that say get well soon, some even saying I'm sorry and I doubt it will be from The Ranger so I'm going that they are from Adam.

I felt weird knowing he was here, the same town as I was. Just looking at him reminds me when I was 16 and I was happy and in love, so I thought, but I remember how hurt I was seeing him on top of that topless girl. It's so funny how years of happiness can all be ruined by one thing in a short time.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" my mom asked as I smiled to let her know I was fine and eager to go home. 

The drive home was short, a good 20 minutes maybe less and as my mom opened the door noise which confused me sense we lived alone. But then I saw none other but John, Cameron, and Aaron in the kitchen covered in egg shells.

"Home sweet home," I smiled as I saw my mom ready to yell.


Showty's Note: I wrote most of this a couple days ago and I told myself I would finish it later but I didn't wrote much right now. My mom is in Mexico and I am the woman of the house and let's say living with my dad and brother alone is a huge mess. I can't stop cleaning and I have no idea how my mom does it. So I have been busy lately and will be for another week plus I have a really important test coming up so I need to get preparing. 

I still hope you guys like this chapter although its short and I hope to write the next more planned out sense I had no idea where I was going with this chapter and I hope to see you guys very soon and but heads up it might be Wednesday or Thursday.


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