Chapter Ten

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My mom and I stared at each other in silent, it's been more than a week sense our fight and we still haven't even said hi to each other. Honestly? I miss her. Even if she doesn't like the things that I do, she's still my mother and I need her in my life.

"Dr. Brooks called," was her first words she said to me. I blinked as I stared at her in shock, Dr. Brooks? She hasn't called in months.

"What did she say?" I asked curiously, I did have the right to know.

"She wants to meet up with you," she said looking at her plate which as half empty. I knew why she wasn't looking at me, and I wished I could do something about it. I sigh but didn't reply, I couldn't say anything - I didn't know what to say.

I wish I could be here for her and it hurts me I'm part of the reason that she is this way. Working for hours that she can't enjoy a good eight hour sleep, trying to pay all the bills and food for us. I know I'm 18 and could help her out but there is no place I could work at.

"Grandma also told me you went to visit her," my mom voice broke me away from my thoughts. I nodded remembering that day, it felt nice to talk to her. "Honey, you know how I feel about motorcycles, and how you feel about them. I have no right to take something you love away from you. You are now 18 and I know you will drive safely and not do anything stupid."

If only she knew I race like a maniac.

"It's okay," was all I said.


"So your mom didn't know you rode a bike until a week ago?" Cameron asked tilting his head.

"Yeah, she despised them, she turns red when she sees one," I said with a chuckle because what I said was true.

"Why does she hate them so much?" he asked me. I silently thought of the story in my head.

"It's a long story," I said with a weak smile, shaking my head.

"I have time."

"Hello Amanda," another voice enter. "Oh, you're Cameron, I'm John." John smiled checking him out. I laughed at my gay friend.

"Hello John," Cameron smiled back, oblivious that he was gay.

"John is my best friend," I said with a smile.

"That's right, we've been through thick and thin, even though she's only been here for two years," John winked at me. I saw Cameron tense a little in the corner of my eye, but I choose to ignore him.

"Cameron," another voice entered the conversation. We all looked over Aaron who was looking - well glaring - at Cameron. "I thought we were going out for lunch."

"We were," Cameron said. "But I bumped into Amanda and we stayed and talk," Cameron smiled widely at me.

Aaron glanced at me and then a John, his eyes going darker every second he stared at John. "Well lunch is almost over so lets go," he said looking at Cameron again.

Cameron got up from his seat and looked over me and John. "Do you guys want to join us?" Cameron asked.

"No th-" I started but John cut me off.

"We will love to," he smiled widely as Cameron smiled too and Aaron looked like he was ready to kill someone.


"So you move here when you were 16, where did you live before?" Cameron asked taking a bite of his burger.

"I lived in Dallas," I smiled remembering home.

"Really?" Cameron gasped. "Aaron used to live there too, but he moved when he turned 13," he said. "Did you guys ever seen each other?" he asked glancing at Aaron and me.

We were sitting in a booth in at Ronny's enjoying lunch and talking. Even Aaron was laughing with us. Aaron and I stared at each other. "No," I finally said. "I've never seen him before I moved, maybe we lived in different neighborhoods," I added. I saw a rough emotion flash through Aaron eyes but it was gone as fast as it came.

"It's time to head back to class," John said getting up. Cameron also got up but me and Aaron stayed seated.

"Actually I'm skipping the rest of the day, maybe head over the alley and practice," I said.

"And I'm.. going to head home," Aaron said scratching the back of his neck.

John shrugged as he kissed my cheek. "I'll text you after school then," he smiled and waved at Cameron and Aaron.

"I guess I'll leave too," Cameron said. "Will you be at the alley after school?" he asked me and I nodded. "I'll see you then," he smiled and looked over Aaron. "I'll see you later," he said and also left.

Me and Aaron looked over each other, well this is awkward at all. Note sarcasm.


Showty's note: Short I know but I did write this in like half and hour because I'm bored and it's 11 Pm. Hope you guys liked it though also spoiler: next chapter there will be Aaron and Amanda time. Yay!

Also I did delete Take A Picture because a lot is going on and I just want to focus on this story. So I will start writing next chapter soon because I'm exited even though I have no idea what to write. And I want to make up over the last few short chapters.

Well hope you all enjoyed, thanks for all the reads and votes. You guys don't know how happy I am when I see how many reads this story has.

See you all soon.


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