Chapter Fifteen

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After your best friend kisses you and admits he likes you you have to choices.

1. Say you like him back and be together.


2. Reject him and hope he will still be your friend.

And maybe if you think there's a third choice, which there is not, is avoid him in all cost.

I on the other hand am doing none of these. I've been wanting to talk to John but instead of me avoiding him, he's avoiding me. I text, called, even went to his house but I haven't spoken to him. So when I got to school 10 minutes into class I was surprised to see him standing in my locker on his phone.

"John," I said smiling at him thankful that he isn't running in the other direction.

"Amanda," he said emotionless. My smile slipped away when I heard his tone, it was like he didn't want to do anythig with me anymore and it actually hurt.

"You're not avoiding me anymore?" I asked with an awkward chuckle in the end to lighten up the mood.

He just shrugged going back to his phone. I frowned at his action, he didn't look like happy John anymore, he looked so... empty.

"John?" I asked my voice softer. I knew he could hear me sense we were the only ones in the hallway and it was very quiet.


"You know we have to talk about what happened the other day?" I asked. I wanted to get it out my chest, it was my turn to talk and it's been eating me alive I just wanted to yell it out for god sake and he's being an ass.

"Why? So you can reject me and run to your precious Cameron?" he asked. I was taken back as he put his phone away and finally looked me in the eye. "That what you want to talk about isn't it? That you don't like me the way I do, you don't see me nothing more than your gay best friend."

"That's not true." I was getting mad now, I never wanted to slap him but now I wanted to go gorilla on the guy. He was being a true ass and doesn't know what's he's talking about.

"Oh, it's not Cameron? Is it Aaron? Or maybe you finally answered Adam's call and now you're back together? Either way Amanda, you don't like me so don't even bother telling me anything. We have nothing to talk about, I don't know why I even bother talking to you," with that said he walked away. I saw him turn the corner and disappeared. The anger in me got worse the next thing I did surprised me.

I went after him.

"John!" I yelled, finally I stopped him and took a deep breath. "Listen, what you said out there? Is bullshit, you don't know anything! I don't like Cameron, or Aaron, and I wouldn't go back to Adam if he was the last man on earth. But no John, I'm not rejecting you but I can't just say yes to you. The day I met you, you told me you were gay so I never thought of having feelings for you was going to be difficult and impossible cause I believed you would never like me back. So yes you took me by surprised, and you can't expect me to suddenly have an answer when you pretty much drop a bomb on me." I took a deep breath and said the next thing more calm. "So you can take your asshole attitude and shove it up your ass for all I care."


50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55.


I took off my helmet and took a deep breath. 3 rounds for 4 minutes and 55 seconds, that's a new record. Of course I wouldn't be so sure of winning this race but I had all the faith I can. It was me and the Ranger against a few other components, I still had no reason why Cameron and Aaron weren't racing this year. I may have done good but the track of the race is much bigger. It's not just a mini race like we have here in the alley, this race was downtown and legal people just come here to practice. I've seen the Ranger practice as well and for an old man he was very good and I have to admit has gone better.

Like everyone says these races are dangerous, cause even the race is legal people sneak in drugs and someone even found a gun once. The Ranger was not a nice man either, he would do anything to win, he will kill and I knew that. So like Aaron once said if I win this race I'll still be in danger outside the race, cause he won't drop it like a hot potato.

I parked my bike and go off going to the bar. Xavier wasn't there so I had to pay right there, it's not like he gives me free drinks but he lets me pay a week later tops if not he won't give me anymore drinks until I do pay. The guy gave me a drink and went to attend someone else. I turn around, you can see all the tracks from here, people betting and drinking, it was a nice view if you liked this kind of stuff.

After the fight with John I didn't want to see anyone else, I felt like I lost my only friend and I hated that. He was my only friend is not like I keep contact with people in Dallas, after Adam I didn't want a memory of Dallas. Which isn't as hard as you think. Cameron was who knew where and it's not like I talk to Aaron. I finished my drink and put it in the table and turned around to leave but bumb into someone.

This has been happening a lot.

I looked up to tell the person off but my eyes widen and my heart felt like it was going to explode when I saw who it was.

The Ranger.

I gulp, if I was afraid of anyone it would be him. If he killed me well lets just say I won't be his first victim.

"I'm sorry," I said wanting to leave now.

His brown eyes stared at me, he was just staring, not glaring just staring. "Are you Amanda?" he asked. I should feel special if he knew my name but I was far from feeling that.


"You're going to the race aren't you?" he titled his head making me feel more nervous.


"Yeah, I've seen you practice. You're good for a doll," he smirked when he saw my reacting when he called me a doll. I didn't know if I should tell him thank you or to fuck off so I stayed silent and hoped he just said bye and let me be. He suddenly leaned closer making me back away. "You may be a little to good so I suggest you to back out now, it's a warning I wouldn't want to see anything happen to your pretty little face." With that he turned around leaving me like a statue.

A warning.

I got a warning.

Oh, how I knew this wasn't going to end up well.


Shorty: I'm practicing on making the chapters longer. I wanted to go on but I wouldn't have anything for next chapter which may be back to short chapters. Please don't hate me.

So the race is in a week! At least in Amanda's world. A few more things need to happen so I just need to do a little organizing and I would write chapter 16 soon!

Thank you all for reaching 3k actually more so ahh. I hoped you liked this chapter and not hated it because of John :( I love him but this had to happen. Well next chapter should be more Cameron and Aaron and even John.

Till then bye.

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