Chapter Seventeen

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 Dedicated to thatgirl697 for being my 100 vote

"I'm sorry I was an asshole that day, it's just. I never liked the thought of you with another guy and you've been hanging out with Cameron and Aaron a lot, well I guess it was common for me to get jealous." That was the first thing John said the next day when we decided to meet up in Ronny's.

"Sorry I was rude, I shouldn't have told you that, but you were being an asshole." I said looking down embarrass of the memory when I blew up on John.

John smiled and I knew I was forgiven, I smiled back telling him that he was forgiven. 

"I really do like you Amanda, ever sense we met it's always been you," I sigh at the words that came out of his mouth.

"I wish you could've told me before, I wouldn't have spend these last two years thinking you were gay and maybe just maybe I would have liked you," after thinking for a long time I made a decision and I knee it was going to affect my friendship with John.

"What does that supposed to mean?" his voice was shaky and he seems nervous.

"I'm sorry John but I can't return those feelings."

He looked down and I felt guilty but I knew I couldn't be with someone I didn't like. Even if it was John. He was my best friend not my lover.

"I wished I could have told you earlier too," his voice came out as a whisper but I still heard him clearly. "I wished I could go back in time and just tell you everything."


I knew that it will be awkward with John for a while but I hope it will wouldn't last for long.

He's been my friend for the longest time and been my only friend for a long time too. Our friendship meant a lot to me and I knew I was making the right choice.

Now I sat in the river again, the sound of the water relax me and helped me not over think. I sat on the end and put my feet in the cold water.

"Are you gonna jump and drown or what?" A deep husky voice said behind me, I didn't need to turn to see who it was.

"Why don't you push me? Make things easier," he sat next to me after I said that. I still didn't look at him but ahead.

"That will make me a murderer," He said with a duh voice.

"What's up with you and Cameron?" I asked.

Silence. Not one sound was made if I knew he wasn't next to me I would think I was alone again.

He got up and I finally looked up to see him walk away.

"Hey! Don't go!" I said getting up as well and stopped him. "I want an answer," I said crossing my arms.

"I don't want to give you an answer," he said crossing his arms as well.

"It's bothering me okay?  Ever sense I moved here you guys have been by the hip and suddenly it's like you guys always hated each other."

He stared at me with a blank expression, "Why would you care? Shouldn't you be happy you got him all to yourself?"

I frown at his words, "I care because you're both my friends and I want to know what happened to your friendship."

"You count me as a friend," it was his turn to frown making me regret my words.

"Yeah, I don't know why but I feel like your my friend no matter how much of an ass you are to me."

"He has something I that was mine," he suddenly said.

"Is it really worth it?" I asked him wanting to more about this.

"Yeah it actually is, more than you can ever know," I stared at him for a while the emotion of his face saddened, whatever this was really meant a lot to him.

I hugged him which surprised both of us, I didn't know what came over me but it just felt right. He didn't hug me back so I pulled away, now I made things awkward.
"Give me your phone," I said. He looked at me with confused but did what I said.

I put in my number ans then I text my phone so I could have his too. I gave it back to him and he chucked at what I put my contact name as.  



Showty's Note: I sat down and wrote, it was hard but hey what else can I do? I couldn't delete it guys but I'm still writing the new version but I'm putting more effort on this version.

I got 100+ votes and I couldnt be more happy so here is another short and crappy chapter. Also this is not edited.

Thank you all again, and I got to write on my other story's now.


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