Chapter Seven

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"Do you want a donut?"

That was the first thing Cameron told me when I got to the alley, he was eating out of a donut that was wrap around a napkin. "No thank you," I said adding a chuckle. He didn't look like he wanted to share anyways.

I looked around the alley, it seemed empty and quiet. Only a few people were here, on their bikes or cars, maybe because it was Monday. It's always full on the weekends. I looked back at Cameron who was just finishing his donut,  he looked like a little kid, his eyes were shining bright as he stare at the donut, after a while he had a frown - and no longer had a donut.

 "How about we go get something to drink?" Cameron asked I only nodded and we both walked to the small bar in silence.

"Amanda, haven't seen you in a while," Xavier said with a cheesy smile.

"You haven't seen me sense Friday," I said giving him back the same smile. Cameron was looking at both of us, he probably doesn't talk to him as I do. "Xavier this is my new friend, Cameron," I said looking at Xavier. He only gave him a nod which Cameron returned.

"You want light?" he asked me. "What will you want?" he asked Cameron.

"A light will be fine," Cameron answered. I no longer saw the guy who was eating a donut happily, I saw the guy everyone was afraid of at school. His voice got deeper which means scarier, his eyes weren't shining anymore. What happened?

"Will be right up," Xavier smiled and went to get our drinks.

Once Xavier was gone I turned to look at Cameron again, his smile was still gone and hid face hold no emotion.

"You okay?" I found myself asking him. He turned to look at me giving me a small smile but it didn't reach his eyes. He didn't even reply only gave me a nod.

Before I could say anything else Xavier came out holding two lights in his hands and hand then over. "Pay on Friday, I trust you," he said giving me a wink and turned to wash cups.

Cameron and I turned around and started to walk taking a few swings of the beer. It was quiet between us but it was comfortable. Suddenly Cameron chuckled and had a fainted smile in his face.

"On Friday you spilled a light over my shirt." My cheeks got red of embarrassment, I didn't look at him, I could tell he wanted to tease me about it.

"I'm really sorry about that," I finally spoke.

"Don't be," he replied taking another swing of his drink. "Because of that we started talking."

It was my turn to smile because I knew it was true. Cameron and I wouldn't be here right now if I drink spill my drink over his shirt. I knew at first it was going to be scary but Cameron was like everyone else, I had no right to judge him. Because now I have a new friend.

"Are you really going to do the race?" Cameron asked. His voice changed it went from happy and grateful to... worried.

"I am," was my only reply. I remembered when I first told him, or should I say him and Aaron. They both got mad and Aaron had to run off and Cameron chasing him. Cameron was his best friend after all but they seemed to be fading apart these past few days. "What's going on between you and Aaron?" the words came right out my mouth. I suddenly regret letting my mouth do what it please cause Cameron's face changed.

He was looking in front of him, we were watching a race. He had a frown and he looked... dare I say it - mad and annoyed.

"He's just being Aaron. He wants something he has to wait and then get it. When I want something I go for it and at the moment is complicated sense we both want the same thing."

This thing sounded important to both of them. But because of this thing the two best friends were no longer how they used to be. I suddenly felt a weird feeling in my gut, like if I knew what this thing was and I could make a change. I ignored my feeling and took another swing of beer.

"I heared the Ranger was going to join the race this year again." I changed the subject.

The Ranger was the dirtiest racer. He was in his early 40's so it allowed him to race. But he didn't go by the rules at the races. Two years ago he made two bikers crash so he could win. But he didn't hide his tracks and he couldn't race for one year once they found out it was him. This year he was coming back and ready for his money. I knew this because The Ranger wouldn't miss the race for the world. It was more dangerous and more difficult for me to be on this race, But I wasn't giving up.

This year this will be my race.

"I still think it's dangerous for you to race," Cameron spoke. I sigh and closed my eyes I didn't want to speak of this.

"I''ll train, I'll be careful."

"You better be," he said putting his arm around me.

Then there was a loud beeping sound and clapping and cheering. Car number 7 won.


"I had fun."

"Me too."

"We should do this again sometime."

"We should."

"I''ll see you at school." With one last smile he waved and drove away.

Once the race was over Cameron and I decided to have a little race on our own. This time Cameron won more times than I did. Once we finished that we grave something to eat and just talked. It was really comfortable with Cameron, we had a lot in common. I told him how John told me he was gay the first day I met him. He just said it.

"I know I'm gorgeous but please do not fall for me, that I am gay."

We laughed a lot but it was getting dark and it was time to say goodbye. I still was smiling when I got in my bike and put on my helmet. It felt a little weird but I ignored it and drove home.

When I got home the lights were off giving me the hint that my mom was not home. When I got in it felt warm and cozy it felt like home. But I still had the same feeling I did every time I was here. I knew deep down this was not my home. I walked to my bathroom and changed and brush my teeth and finally climbed into bed.

I feel asleep, dreaming of the one guy who knew everything about me, but I knew nothing about him.

Showty's note: Finally I Finished. I was so excited once I noticed that it had more than 430 reads that I started writing and I couldn't stop. I missed this story to much. I don't know why but I always finish writing at midnight. That's right it's midnight.

But anyways I did wrote this on my phone and its not edited. So this is an update but remember the story still is on hold. I will write and update as soon as I can but I promise nothing.

No Aaron or John I miss them too but they will be back of course this is more a Cameron and Amanda moment, So hopefully you guys don't hate me for not updating in months. Just that so much has been going on and writing is seriously my escape.

If you have not already checked out my new story 'Take A Picture' I will really appreciate if you do.

Thanks to everyone who has still been sticking to the story love you all.


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