Chapter Twenty-Six

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Dedicated to @jelly_love for being my 450 vote.

John's POV

I never really liked going to the alley, I knew about it which is how I told Amanda, but then again I think every teenager does, if they have ever gone to it or not. And right now Amanda was doing an early practice in the alley before she heads off to sign up for the race. I wanted to catch up to her and wish her good luck we did talk last night but I wanted to do it in person, so I got in my car and headed to the alley remembering where it was, even though I only gone like twice.

When I parked the car I didn't notice much cars, really there wasn't any that wasn't a race car. I felt like an outcast, but a lot of people where paying attention to me, wondering who the new guy was or what was he doing here, a new face was always notice I remember Amanda telling me those words when she first when to the alley and told me about her day. I remember her smile shining even though she was scared before, what really could a 16 year old do in a pace where there was races, drugs, alcohol.  I never liked going to the alley cause it was like a big gang, that judges people. Once a 18 year old guy went to the alley and people found out he was gay, 10 minutes later a group of guys surrounded him and jumped him, ever sense that story I've been afraid to go. 

I didn't look like a gay guy, if you didn't talk to me and get to know me well you would have never guessed. So that was my plan, if I don't talk to anyone I wont get hurt. I looked around for Amanda, hoping she hasn't left yet, I walked alone looking around hoping no one would approach me, I saw a bar and walked over there.

"What can I get you?" the guy asked not looking up.

"Have you seen a girl."

'I've seen many," he chuckled. 

I sign and shook my head. "Her name is Amanda," I said hoping there was only one Amanda.

He stayed quite and looked like he was thinking. "Left with some other guy, think they headed off to the race."

I nodded and headed back to my car but I notice a group of motorcycles group parked next to my car and I suddenly had a panic attack feeling that after I drive off they will all talk about me. I pulled out my phone and acted like I was using it, to give me enough time to think of a plan, I could always go back to the bar and hang there until they leave, I could always walk fast to my car with my head down and drive off fast. Or I could act like a normal person walk with my head head up and get in the car and drive off. 

Walking fast to my car with my head down it is.

I put my phone away and started walking and just when I put my key in to open the door a voice made me turn around. "John?" I turned to see Cameron in his bike along with the many people around him who where now looking at me. I looked at the crowed and saw a familiar face, I don't remember where I saw him but he sure did look familiar, he for sure doesn't go to our school so I just stared at him with confusion. I then noticed the girl who was sitting in his lap, either that was a one time thing or his girlfriend.

"Hey," I looked back at Cameron.

"What are you doing here?" he asked frowning at me a little, I still was freaking out that I didn't want attention from this group and now all of them where staring at me. So not part of the plan.

"Came to talk to Amanda," was all I said hoping he just said okay and let me leave. but also that didn't go as planned.

"She left for the race a half an hour ago with Aaron why don't you just stay here and hang out with us," he asked and just when I was going to say no he starts to introduce me to the people. So not what I wanted. "That is Jake, Mar, Victor and his girlfriend Rebeca."

So familiar face guy is named Victor.

'"I should go," was all I said. "Hopefully I catch Amanda before she starts the race, are you going?" I asked Cameron wondering why he was still here and not there preparing her.

"Yeah," his voice was tense and a hint of scared. "But later," he continued. 

I looked around at the people who haven't said a word but eyes stared at me. "Nice to meet you guys," was all I said before I got into my car and drove off. 


I felt more relax here, there was police men almost every where, the only people who was making noise was the crowed cheering for the current race. There was people everywhere it seemed like a carnival, there was popcorn, cotton candy, just like a fair. I looked around hoping to see someone I knew that could lead me to Amanda. But there was no one, so I walked alone until I saw Amanda with Aaron talking. She was already wearing her outfit and was holding her helmet in her hand.

I knew that helmet meant something for her, that helmet was one of her dad's, even though she didn't remember him well she still wanted to wear it like a prize. I walked up to them and smiled, "hey guys."

"John," Amanda smiled and gave me a hug. "Tell Aaron he's over thinking and nothing will happen to me," she told me and I shook my head silently telling her I am worried too.

If the Range thought you wee competition he will cancel you out and Amanda was the target this year.  She rolled her eyes and put on the helmet I then took a good look at it.

"Are you sure that helmet is safe?" I asked. "It looks so old and huge on you," I continued.

"Amanda, if you crash that thing will not protect you," Aaron now said. 

"I'll be fine, nothing will happen okay?" Amanda argued. She sign, "nothing is gonna happen," she whispered.

I couldn't say anything else so I gave her a hug and whispered good luck. I said my goodbyes and went to join the crowed.

"Pineapple guy," I turned around to see none other than Victor smirking at me.

"Apple guy," I chuckled finally remembering. 


Showty's note: Happy thanksgiving, Black Friday, birthday, I am so sorry a lot has been going on but here is an update and I planning another soon who knows maybe another one today. I hope you guys like this chapter I really do and next chapter is the race and I'm so excited remember the story will not end yet.

I am planning like crazy and I am sorry again guys. Thanks so much for the votes and comments and support.


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