Chapter Fourteen

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If kissing Aaron made me confused, I don't know what I'm feeling right now. So many questions came rushing through my mind the second his lips touched mine.

Why did he kiss me? Wasn't he gay? Was it a prank? Does he actually like me? Why was I kissing him back?

John move his lips with mine with such passion, kissing Aaron was more sweet and slow. But both felt the same emotion, like if they both wanted me for such a long time. Did John like me? I mean before we even became close he told me he was gay, did something change? His lips were soft but Aaron's were softer.

Wait, wait, wait. Why do I keep comparing these two?

I wrapped my arms around him and he pulled me closer, suddenly realizing everything, all the questions in my head wanted answers. So I pulled away. He stared at me shock and his eyes were mix emotions, happy, exited, sad, and hope. The questions in my head just doubled.

"W-what was that?" I asked. One minute we're talking about Adam the next we're making out. The same place I made out with Aaron. Ugh! I need to stop that.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered then looked into a deep thought. "Wait, no I'm not. You, Amanda, drive me crazy and I couldn't help it anymore. Talking about Adam like you're gonna jump in his arms if he comes right now makes me furious. I like you Amanda, and if I'm going to apologize for something I'm apologizing for not telling you sooner."

John, my first friend when I move here, I trusted him with almost every thing. He was my best friend pretty much like my brother. Just admited he liked me.

Why does this feel wrong?

Was I really hung over Adam that I didn't like some other guy liking me? Why couldn't I like John too? I know this feeling is not scared, I'm not scared to lose our friendship because our friendship is unbreakable. So why can't I give us a try.

"But your gay," was all I could say. I couldn't bring myself saying anything going through my head.

He chuckled and gave me a weak smile. "I'm bisexual. The day I met you I was gay, but then I grew on you but I still like guys... not as much because I like you." He sigh and smiled at me. "Babe you turn a gay guy bi."

At that we both laughed, he can even make one of the most awkward moments not so awkward.

"I don't know how I feel about you John, all this time I thought you were gay, I never let myself have any feelings for you."

"And that's okay, you'll figure everything out while time goes and I'll wait for you to have a real answer." I smiled at him and he wrapped his arm around me. We pick up our garbage and left the river without a word.


"So he kissed you and then he told you how he felt?" Cameron asked me passing me a cup of beer.

It was the next day and Cameron kept on texting me telling me he was bored and if we could hang. As usual we met up in the alley and here we are now. I told him about my situation with John, cause usually I will go to John for advice but right now I can't.

"Yes, pretty much like that." It was lonely in the alley, a few races were on right now, but friendly ones. Everyone was by the bar or watching a race.

"How did he tell you?"

"He just told me."

"Just like that?"


"Well do you like him?"

"I don't know."

"Well how did you feel when he kissed you?"

That got me thinking, I was confused, I was comparing his kiss with another guy kiss. "Confused," was all I said.

"Then I don't think you like him." He said. I stared at him hopeing he will explain how he knew. "If you liked him the first thing going through your head is how happy you are, your crush finally kissed you but that's not how you felt. You felt confusion, for all I know you wanted to push him off but didn't know how because questions were running through your head."

I stared at him wide eye, it's that how I really felt for John? But what does that say about Aaron? When he kissed me all I could think was that I felt those lips before, I wanted more. Did I like Aaron? How I didn't even know him well back then. I still don't know him well.

Why do I keep bringing him up?

I sigh angrily and took a swing of my beer, I didn't want things to get confusing, I didn't like all this drama.

"I don't know," I sighed. Things been turning upside down and its leaving me confused. "I just want to focous on the race," I said changing the subject. Cameron completely ignored me and looked in a deep thought, every one been thinking a lot. "Cameron?" I asked waving my hand in front of his face snapping him back to reality.

"Sorry what was that?" he asked, his eyes baring into mine.

"Do you want to go race?" I asked him. "We only got 3 weeks into the big race and I'm still not confident."

Cameron gave me a wide grin. "There's not questioning if you're gonna win, you are."

"Shouldn't you also support your best friend?" I asked referring to Aaron, who was still on my mind.

I watched as Cameron's grin slowly fell and stared at me in confusion. "You don't know?" he asked as I gave him a questioning look. "Aaron dropped out of the race."

"Why?" I asked suddenly, my voice was shaky as if I sounded worried.

"You're gonna have to ask him," his grin appeared again and he started walking to his bike. Me following him. "Come on we're gonna race or not?"

Showty's note: Support short but I felt like I needed to updated. I mean not much John and Amanda and no Aaron but I'll try to get next chapter longer sense we're almost at the end.

I wanted to change the title of the story but decided against it sense I already did the sequel cover and don't want to change it. (oops spoiler alert)

Hope you guys liked and I want to start working on next chapter for making up of all the short ones.


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