Chapter One

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"In 5... 4... 3... 2.. This is Jimmy Hellerman, reporting live for Channel 2 News outside the Capital West Bank at Main and Sixth. A group of heavily armed men stormed the bank not three hours ago and took an unknown number of hostages."

Y/n POV:

The Umbrella Academy all crowded around each other on the roof, "Ok, here's the plan" Luther started to say but Five interrupted.

"Let's just wing it"

"But dad said..." Luther started

"I don't give a shit about what Dad said!" Five exclaimed, I grabbed his hand to calm him down.

"We need to have some form of a plan," Allison says.

"Fine." Five grumbles.

Then we all went our separate ways for the plan.

(Inside the bank)

"Hey, get behind the counter! Now, you have put me in a position where I have to do something I don't want to do. Shit!"

The robber slammed the phone down and looked down to see a young girl with a school uniform and a mask.

"What are you doing? Get back with the others!" The robber yelled at Allison

"I heard a rumor," Allison started, completely ignoring the robber.

"What? What did you say?"

"I heard a rumor you shot your friend in the foot," Allison tells him. The man's eyes gloss over and he turns and shoots the nearest robber in the foot.

"We just heard shots from inside the bank. It's uncertain if any hostages have been harmed."

Five and I sneak behind a column and wait for the right moment. As we wait, I see a man sneaking up behind Allison. I shapeshift into an eagle, fly over there, land, turn back, snap the guy's neck, and get back to my column before anyone notices me.

"There's some movement on the roof. Possibly law enforcement."

Then, Luther comes crashing down from the glass dome ceiling and throws one guy out the window, and starts to fight. The robbers start shooting at Luther but then Diego comes around the corner shouting,

"Guns are for sissies! Real men throw knives!" I roll my eyes at this. As the three start to fight the robbers. Diego throws a knife at Allison but it swerves at the last moment, killing one guy. Luther just punches them.

"I've been in many hostage situations like this, and it can escalate very quickly."

"S-stay back!" The first robber yells as he climbs up onto the desk.

"Be careful up there!" Allison calls, teasing him.

"Ya, we wouldn't want you to get hurt!" Diego tells him.

"S-stay back freaks!" He yells as Allison steps closer

"Or what?" Five asks as he blinks behind the man sitting crisscrossed. The man starts to shoot at Five, but he wasn't there anymore. He blinked behind the man and was standing with his arms crossed.

I slowly lift up the stapler on the desk and replace the robber's gun with the stapler.

A/N: If that doesn't make sense, with shapeshifting, you can shapeshift into a version of yourself where you have a certain power, such as telekinesis. So basically, you can have any power you want. No one really understands this other than Five, Ben, and Dear Old Reggie.

The robber turned and tried to shoot at him with a stapler. "Oh! That's one badass stapler!" Five jokes and he hits the guy in the head with the stapler, making him unconscious. I giggled at his joke and walked out. We all crowded around the vault door...

"Although there's been no activity for a few minutes, we're going to stay live on location to make sure we don't miss anything in this hostage situation at the Capital West Bank"

I go and release the hostages. The others were looking at Ben. My smile instantly drops as I realized what they wanted him to do.

"Do I have to?" Ben asks

"Yes, there are more robbers in the vault," Luther says.

"I didn't sign up for this." Ben sighs and walks in.

"Now we see the hostages. They-they're free. They're scared, clearly but they do seem to be unharmed."

All we see is blood and the silhouette of tentacles as Ben takes out the last robbers. When Ben comes out he is covered in blood.

"Can we go home now?" He asks shakily.

I feel so bad and hand him a napkin and start to wipe the blood off his face. Then one of the robbers that had somehow survived started shooting. I gasped as I felt a stinging in my hip, the others don't notice my face as Diego throws a knife at the robber.

"People are coming out now. It's not the armed robbers. These are young schoolchildren with uniforms and masks on..."

Five grabs my hand and we all walk out in a line, with my standing in between Five and Ben. Then Dad comes out and starts to give a speech,

"Our world is changing...Has changed," he corrects himself. He continues but I kinda drone it out. Later, once the reporters have left I feel pain in my side, I look down and realize that I have lost a lot of blood from when the robber shot me. Five noticed this and gasped,

"Y/n! Your shot!" He exclaims, everyone, turns and looks at me. My breathing gets ragged and my eyes feel heavy, then I lose consciousness.

Five POV:

All of a sudden, Y/n closed her eyes and passed out, I caught her and carried her bridal style.

"Get her to the academy," Dad tells me with no line of worry on his face. This made me mad, but I knew I had to get her home before she lost more blood. I blinked us into the academy and called for Mom. She came around the corner and directed me into a room. I set Y/n down on the bed and held her hand as Mom examined the wound.

"She has lost a lot of blood, someone will need to give her blood," Mom tells us as everyone else crowds into the room. Everyone, except Dad of course. He was probably just in his office while his daughter was dying.

"I will!" Everyone said at the same time. We all looked at each other.

"I will," I said again. Grace nodded.

– Time skip brought to you by the one badass stapler -

I didn't leave Y/n's side the whole time she was unconscious, I didn't want her to be alone when she woke up. Finally, after two days she woke up.

Y/n POV:

When I opened my eyes I was in a room that looked somewhat familiar.

"Y/n!" I look to my right and see Five sitting there holding my hand.

"What happened?" I ask. He starts to explain. Once he is finished I get out of bed and he blinks us to my room. It was late so we missed dinner, but I just wanted to sleep.

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