Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Two Weeks Later:

Five and I had spent the past two weeks getting ready for college.

We were both now 18, physically, so we wouldn't look too out of place at the College.

We had skimmed over what they were teaching us and literally laughed out loud. We already knew all of this. This was going to be a piece of cake.

Five and I stood at the door with our bags, saying goodbye to everyone.

I bent down and gave my sleeping babies kisses. Five followed suit.

We said our final goodbyes and Five drove us to the college.

We finally arrived.

I glanced at Five. We had decided to tell them that his name was Aidan so that questions weren't raised, but he liked to go by Five.

He grabbed my hand and we walked inside to check-in.

We both had the same schedules, thankfully.

We walked to the first class, Calculus.

As we walked in, the professor noticed us just standing there and came to approach us.

"Are you the two new students?" He looked at Five and me.

"Yes. I'm Y/n Hargreeves, and this is F- Aidan Hargreeves." I caught myself and shook the professor's hand. Five followed.

"I prefer to go by Five though." Five told the professor.

"Of course. Nice to meet you both. I am Professor Erickson. Now, if you don't mind, I will introduce you both to the class and you can take a seat at the two desks up here in the front."

Professor Erickson motioned to the two desks at the front.

We nodded and sat down.

Once class started, Professor Erickson quieted down the class.

"Alright class. Settle down." Everyone stopped talking.

"We have two new students. Please come up, introduce yourself, and tell us two things about yourselves."

Five and I stood up and walked to the front.

A few of the boys whistled at me. Five sent them death glares and gripped my hand.

I went first, "Hi. My name is Y/n Hargreeves. Two facts about me are: I'm older than I look, and I love calculus."

Everyone in class sniggered.

I rolled my eyes, "Your turn." I whispered to Five.

"My name is Aidan Hargreeves, but I go by Five."

The whole class started laughing.

"Hey! Quiet down! If that is what Mr. Hargreeves wants to be called, then that is his choice." Professor Erickson stood up.

"Thank you, professor." Five nodded at him and Professor Erickson sat back down.

"As I was saying, I go by Five. Two facts about me are: I am also older than I look," He gave me a smirk, "And I also enjoy calculus. Though not as much as Y/n."

The class sniggered again as Five and I sat down.

"Thank you, Y/n and Five. Now! Who can tell me," He pointed at the board, "the answer to this question?"

I immediately raised my hand, and so did Five. I glared at him and he smirked back.

"Y/n." Professor Erickson looked surprised that his two new students raised their hands.

I told him the answer and he smiled, "Very good!"

A/n: I don't know calculus, so I'm not gonna write anything for the problems or whatever you do in that class. Just bear with me here.

The rest of the day went by, and before I knew it, the day was over.

It wasn't hard at all. We knew pretty much everything.

As Five and I started to walk to the car, a group of people approached us.

I recognized them from calculus, Professor Erickson kept telling them to be quiet. Drew, Octavian, Janson, and Ava.

A/n: Those are PJO and Maze Runner references. And if those are your names, I apologize, I just chose bad people from my books.

"Hey, nerds." Drew approached us. She was fairly pretty, with long black flowing hair, and an hourglass figure.

First day of college and we're already pinned as nerds. I figured as much would happen. We hadn't made any friends and we didn't intend to they would just be annoying and get in the way.

"Hey bitch." Five gripped my hand tighter.

"Ooh, feisty are we?" Drew started to look Five up and down.

Five noticed, "Hey! Eyes up here."

Drew looked at him with a hardened glare, "What? Afraid your girlfriend is gonna get jealous?" She gestured to me.

"That's not his girlfriend, that's his sister," Janson speaks up. He looked a lot like a rat.

"What do you mean?" Drew turned to him.

"I mean, they have the same last name."

"But they look nothing alike." Octavian countered, he was blonde and skinny.

"They're probably cousins," Ava suggested.

They all nodded and settled on cousins.

Five and I started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Drew looked at us.

I looked at Five, "Should we tell them?"

He shook his head, "Nah. Let's let them figure it out for themselves. If they have enough brain cells."

Drew looked furious, "What do you mean? What are you talking about?!"

Janson also looked upset, "Ya. What are you talking about?"

"We can't tell you Ratman." I grabbed Five's hand and we walked to the car.

This was going to be a long four years. 

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