Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Four Years Later:

Finally! We were almost done with college. Only about one more week.

I glanced over at Five and smiled. No one had found out about us being married, or Thomas and Kiara. They all just assumed we were cousins. We had made sure not to kiss each other in public so that more questions would not come.

We had been pinned as the smartest in the college and everyone knew not to mess with us. During our first year, Drew's gang decided to pick a fight with Five and me.

Let's just say it was a very bad idea on Drew's side. The crowd had been recording as well, so everyone saw a group of the four most feared bullies get beat up by two people, easily.

I was pulled back to the present when the bell rang.

A/n: Is there a bell in college? I don't know, so once again, I'm sorry if that is inaccurate .

Five and I walked to our last class of the day: calculus.

It was definitely our favorite class. Professor Erickson was also the best. He was so kind and patient and didn't put up with any kind of bullying.

Five and I sat down in our seats and Professor Erickson started class.

"And that is why-" he was cut off.


Professor Erickson was silenced as everyone's heads turned towards the door where a little girl came running in, with another little boy at her heels. Kiara and Thomas.

Five and I glanced at each other worriedly. We couldn't ignore them. So much for keeping them a secret.

Thomas got to our desk first, being a little faster than his sister.

I picked him up and all eyes were on me, "Hey, Tommy."

"DADDY!" Kiara ran up to Five who picked her up.

"Hey, angel."

There was a sound of running footsteps as three faces appeared in the doorway. Klaus, Ben, and Diego.

They immediately ran forward.

"Oh my god Y/n! Five! I am so sorry. We were taking them to get-" Klaus started to explain.

I cut him off, "Let's do this in the hallway. Shall we?"

I glanced at Professor Erickson who still looked shocked, "So sorry about that. Five and I will be right back."

We all went into the hallway.

Five handed me, Kiara, as he walked up to the boys, "Do you mind explaining why my children are here at my college?"

"Well... We were taking them to get ice cream, and we walked past the college, the kids somehow recognized it as where you two were and ran inside, looking through all the doors until they found this one." Klaus gestured to the classroom that we had just left.

I sighed, put down Thomas and Kiara, and put my hand on Five's shoulder, "Hey, it's okay. It wasn't their fault. The people here would have probably found out sooner or later."

Five sighed, "I guess you're right."

He turned to Thomas and Kiara and crouched down to their level. He shook his head, "What am I gonna do with you two?"

They giggled as Five gave them each a kiss on their nose.

He stood back up, "Just, try to refrain from walking past the college with these two for one month."

The boys nodded and herded Thomas and Kiara out of the school.

I leaned against Five, "I swear it's like we have more than two children sometimes."

"Ya... and they will probably never stop." He wraps his arms around me.

I groan and he chuckles, he gives my forehead and kiss and grabs my hand as we walk back to the classroom.

We enter and see everyone by the door, they were probably trying to listen.

They all scurry back to their seats.

Five and I sigh as we go to sit down.

But of course, Drew had to say something, "Did you two seriously have kids together? You're cousins! That's disgusting!"

I rolled my eyes, "No, Drew. We're not cousins."

"Then what are you?" This time it was Professor Erickson who spoke.

Five looked at me and I nodded.

"Y/n and I," Five paused to look at the whole class, "Y/n and I are married."

He left it at that and we sat down.

The whole class erupted in questions.

Professor Erickson looked like he had come to peace with this, thank God, "Alright class! That's enough! Five and Y/n will answer your questions if they want to. But not now. We are going to finish class."

Once class was over, Five and I were the first ones to leave, with a trail of students behind us.

They started to bombard us with questions but we ignored them. We walked out of the campus and they eventually decided to leave us alone. All of them, except Drew and her crew.

I internally groaned.

"So. You two nerds are married?" Drew stepped in front of us.

"Yep." Five and I showed her our rings. During our second year in college, Five had taken my engagement ring and proposed again, so we could get married legally. Diego and Klaus fought over who got to walk me down the aisle and eventually settled down on them both doing it, with Ben behind seeing as no one else could see him except Klaus and I.

Drew wrinkled her nose, "Eww. And were those actually your kids?"

I nodded.

"What are their names?" Octavian and Janson asked at the same time.

"Thomas and Kiara." Five answered.

Then we quickly got in the car and drove away. That news was going to spread quickly.

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